A wind turbine farm

Lunchtime seminar series

We are excited to announce we will be hosting SEI's lunchtime seminars again in 2024.

Chaired by SEI's Acting Director Prof Danielle Celermajer, these informal seminars provide a platform for networking, testing ideas, and receiving feedback between SEI members.

Past seminars

Title:  Climate, Crops, and Postharvest Conflict

Does El Niño alter conflict dynamics in affected regions? Associate Professor David Ubilava will present new evidence of the effects of climate shocks on political violence and social unrest.

David will analyse granular conflict and weather data covering the entire continent of Africa from 1997 to 2023, finding that a yield-reducing moderate-strength El Niño event results in at least a three percent reduction in violence against civilians during the early postharvest season. 

Speakers: Associate Professor David Ubilava

David Ubilava is an agricultural economist with interests in food and agricultural markets, climate, and conflict. His current research applies granular data to study fundamental societal issues that lead to or result from political violence in developing countries. He has published widely in leading field and interdisciplinary journals such as the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Global Environmental Change, Climatic Change, and World Development, among others. Dr. Ubilava’s research is funded by the Australian Research Council.

Title:  Addressing the Adaptation-Finance Gap: Pathways for the Green Climate Fund in the Pacific 

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) seeks to balance mitigation and adaptation financing to promote a 'paradigm shift' towards low emission and climate-resilient development pathways in developing countries. Yet, as climate change impacts become more severe, the gap between adaptation needs and climate finance is increasingly evident. This is nowhere more apparent than in the Pacific, which is extremely vulnerable to climate change.

Speakers: Associate Professor Katherine Owens, Dr George Carter,  Professor Susan Park, Dr Gemma Viney

Katherine Owens is an Associate Professor in Environmental Law at the University of Sydney Law School and Director of the Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law. Her research combines both social and legal methods to address significant issues of environmental law and governance, including how law and governance should manage climate change, energy transitions, water scarcity, environmental finance and the risks of coal seam gas mining.

George Carter is a Research Fellow in Geopolitics and Regionalism, at the Department of Pacific Affairs at The Australian National University (ANU). He is also the Director for the ANU Pacific Institute a network hub of over 200 scholars - connecting and promoting Pacific Sudies - research, teaching and training at the university.

Susan Park is Professor of Global Governance in International Relations at the University of Sydney. She focuses on how international organisations and global governance can become greener and more accountable, particularly in the transition to renewable energy. She has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, Oxford University, the Technical University of Munich, American University, and the Centennial Centre in Washington DC. Her work has been funded by the Australian, Canadian, British and German governments.

Gemma Viney's work examines the Australian experience of environmental justice. Despite significant mobilisation around environmental justice both in the US and internationally, scholars have not yet observed what can be described as an Australian environmental justice movement. While some Indigenous communities, climate activists, and local organisations have used the term, the majority of conversations around Australian environmental justice are currently happening within the academic sphere.

Title: Protest as spectacle: Performativity in the climate era

With worsening climate impacts, activism is also changing. Traditional models of campaigning are being replaced with more spectacular forms of protest in attempts to invert the institutionalized fossil fuel dependent system of production. In this presentation,  we explore the case study of the Stop Adani campaign in Australia, which sought to prevent the opening of the Adani mine; the first of several ‘mega-mines’ in the previously untapped Galilee coal basin. 

Speakers: Professor Christopher Wright

Christopher Wright is Professor of Organisational Studies at the University of Sydney Business School. His research focuses on climate change and the role of business in contributing and responding to the climate crisis. He has published extensively on issues of corporate environmentalism, corporate citizenship and fossil fuel hegemony and is the author of the books Climate Change, Capitalism and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction (with Daniel Nyberg) and Organising Responses to Climate Change: The Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering (with Daniel Nyberg and Vanessa Bowden).

Title: The idea of trauma-heritage: Disaster risk management and place attachments in relation to climate change.

Humanity is currently experiencing a polycrisis, a cluster of disparate crises that entangle and mutually reinforce one another, including armed conflicts, rising authoritarianism, global epidemics, and climate change. Their toll on lives, livelihoods, and emotional well-being is both profound and complicated. They affect individuals, families, and communities and can result in trauma that extends far beyond the events through minds, brains, bodies, and relationships and can reverberate across generations.

This research will draw on social theory and empirical evidence from critical heritage studies, archaeology, neuroscience and psychology, to explore the role of heritage in emotional wellbeing. Building on Dr. Feakins’ current investigations, this research examines the nexus between individual and collective heritage-making, trauma and resilience.

Speakers:  Dr Charlotte Feakins

Charlotte teaches critical heritage studies at the University of Sydney. She is a heritage practitioner, researcher, and lecturer with a background in historical archaeology. She is particularly interested in topics of trauma and heritage; trauma-informed heritage; emotion and affect; narrative and identity; community heritage; social values; social and climate justice; anti-colonialism; heritage interpretation; heritage tourism; and methodological innovation. Charlotte is a Partner Investigator (PI) on the ARC-Linkage project, Everyday Heritage. She is an Honorary Researcher at the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University (ANU) and a Collaborating Scholar at the Research Centre for Deep History at the ANU.

Title: Resource extraction and settler anxiety in contemporary crime fiction

This presentation shares early findings from a new project titled ‘Resource Extraction and the Settler Colonial Spatial Imaginary: A Literary History’. This project has two aims. First, it collates and examines literary evidence for the central role of resource extraction in shaping the settler colonial spatial imaginary. Second, with Australian literary history as a major case study, it shows how particular sites of resource extraction give rise to specific permutations of genre and form. This presentation examines a suite of contemporary novels centred on murder in mining towns, arguing that this minor trend in Australian crime writing speaks to conflicting settler anxieties about economic reliance on resource extraction and the possibility of a post-extractive future.

Speakers: Dr Meg Brayshaw

Meg Brayshaw is the John Rowe Lecturer in Australian Literature at the University of Sydney. Her research interests include the twentieth century Australian novel, and literary engagements with space, environment, and climate. At Sydney University Press, she is academic editor of the Sydney Studies in Australian Literature series.

Title: Revisiting Farmed Animal Sanctuaries as Intentional Communities through Re-animalisation

Farmed animal sanctuaries have been conceptualised as experimental sites for developing alternative socio-political relations between humans and other animals according to democratic commitments and norms (Donaldson & Kymlicka, 2015; 2023). In this work-in-progress presentation, I share my ongoing development of Krithika Srinivasan's (2022) concept of re-animalisation as a political and politicised ethnographic research framework by applying re-animalisation to Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka's (2011; 2023) differentiation of animals into domesticated, wild, and liminal groups. Engaging with my month-long ethnography at a farmed animal sanctuary in Australia, I discuss the ways in which re-animalisation as a reflexive lens helps me conceptualise how I as a researcher become an animal amongst other animal residents at the sanctuary, the various roles I adopt and perform in relation to them, as well as the significance of these reflections on the promises of farmed animal sanctuaries in furthering more just relations with other animals.

Speakers: Darren Chang

Darren Chang is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Sydney. His research interests broadly include interspecies relations under colonialism and global capitalism, practices of solidarity, kinship, and mutual aid across species in challenging oppressive powers, social movement theories, and multispecies justice. Through political (and politicised) ethnography at animal sanctuaries, Darren's PhD research project explores potential alignments and tensions between animal and other social and environmental justice movements. The multispecies dimension of this project also considers the place, positions, and subjectivities of nonhuman animals in relation to anthropogenic social movements.

Title: Nature Prescriptions for Health: Evidence of effectiveness and motivations for nature contact

Contact with nature supports health and pro-environmental behaviour, but many people spend little time in natural environments. Little is known of the effectiveness of nature prescription interventions aiming to address this discrepancy, or of the personal motivations for potential participation. To address these knowledge gaps, we conducted a systematic review with meta-analyses to synthesise evidence on the effectiveness of nature prescriptions. Secondly, a nationally representative study in Australia was conducted to explore contrasting motivations for nature contact and nature prescription interest. Main results confirmed nature prescriptions have psychological, physiological, and behavioural health benefits.

Speakers:  Professor Thomas Astell-Burt

Thomas Astell-Burt is the Professor of Cities and Planetary Health and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in nature-based solutions for loneliness. Thomas is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher and is ranked 1st out of 10,000 globally for nature and health research. Thomas’s ARC, NHMRC and MRFF-funded research involves collaborating, co-producing, and communicating studies positioned to create healthier cities for all, and uses ‘social prescribing’ to (re)connect people with things in cities that can enable flourishing, e.g., green spaces.

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