Explore the key issues at stake in Thailand following the historic 2019 elections.
When: Thursday 11 April 2019
Since the introduction of Thailand's constitutional monarchy in 1932, Thai politics have been marked by intense political volatility. Regular coups d’état have replaced elected governments with military rule, often with the approval of the Royal Family. The elections scheduled for 24 March 2019 will be the country's first polls since the turbulent 2014 elections that were ruled void and resulted in a military takeover.
At stake in this electoral contest is not merely who will assume government power, but the very nature of the Thai political regime. Whether Thailand transitions to a stable democratic regime or further entrenches a form of semi-authoritarian rule, the aftermath of the 2019 elections will undoubtedly be tense and unsettled, revealing the country's fragmentation.
Join our expert panel three weeks after the elections to learn more about the key issues at stake for Thailand and our region. Will the country’s royal, bureaucratic and military elites consolidate their hold on power? What will be the everyday life consequences for Thai people? What will this mean for the economic stability of the region?
Chaired by Dr Roger Lee Huang and featuring distinguished panellists from Australian and Thai universities, as well as Human Rights Watch, this event is the ideal primer for anyone with an interest in the political future of Thailand. The panel session will be followed by an extended Q&A session with the audience.
This panel was co-hosted by SSEAC and the Department of Government and International Relations.