This unit of study will focus on the complex integration of key physiological processes important for basic body functions and for maintaining homeostasis. The approach to learning involves lectures, online activities, practicals and assessments designed to help you practice, solidify and integrate key concepts. Assessments are designed for you to practice skills for entering graduate/postgraduate vocations including 1. Stakeholder engagement, 2. Research and 3. Clinical applications. The Unit is divided into three modules: 1. Muscle and Nerve: Explore a top down approach of the function and cellular makeup of the nervous system and muscle and their interaction in addition to nervous system control of organs in order to undertake activities of daily living. Practical classes have a focus on clinical application of theory in this module. 2. Cardiovascular Physiology: Explore important cellular and mechanical forces which play a role in physiological organ function and provide insight into the links between tissue structure and function focusing on the cardiovascular system. Practical classes will focus on applications of these principles in a wet lab setting. 3. Developmental Biology: This module will provide an introduction to developmental biology and regenerative medicine. The learning activities aim to equip you with a foundation of key concepts to understand classical approaches used in modern developmental biology and regenerative medicine and, begin building skills to enhance your critical thinking to interrogate diverse aspects of modern biology. Assessments and practicals are designed to help you build these inquisitory skills and begin formulating scientific investigations to test your hypotheses.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Department of Medical Sciences |
Credit points | 6 |
A mark of 70 or above in {6cp from (PHSI2X07 or MEDS2001) or 12cp from [(PHSI2X05 and PHSI2X06) or (BCMB2X02 or BIOL2X29 or GEGE2X01) or (BMED2402 or BMED2403 or BMED2406)]} |
None |
PHSI3010 |
Assumed knowledge
None |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | No |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Anna Waterhouse, |
Lecturer(s) | Elizabeth Clarke, |
Anna Waterhouse, | |
Mathias Francois, | |
Munira Xaymardan, |