Lines of communication

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In this section, learn about the connections across Nations and the types of protocols that Aboriginal communities use to get to know one another and work together.


  • Why is it important for people to travel along these tracks?
  • How far did people travel?
  • How did Aboriginal people remember where to travel and how did they pass this knowledge onto their children?
  • Was this knowledge static, in that the route would be the same each year?
  • To learn just about Australia’s climate, how many years would you need to observe the environment?
  • What is the role of women and men in traditional Aboriginal societies?
  • How was this affected by contact and colonisation?


  • Discuss teaching and knowledge-sharing processes within traditional Aboriginal societies.
  • How did Aboriginal children learn from and within their extended Kinship families?
  • What was the effect of the loss of grandparents, parents and children?
  • What are examples of situations when an individual can be allowed to not fulfil Kinship responsibilities (ie, due to loss of family, connections, law)?

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