Aboriginal artwork with brown, red, yellow, orange, white and lilac

Learning module

Get started
Follow the module outline below, starting with section one. Each section includes a video representing a particular theme related to Aboriginal Kinship systems and provides additional resources to assist ongoing learning.
Section Learning outcomes Impact for disciplines
1. Welcome and Acknowledgement Understand the difference between Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country Protocols, respect and acknowledging cultural difference
2. Nations, Clans and family groups Understand the importance of recognition of Nations, Clans and family groups Working with diverse groups
3. Moiety Understand the differences and impacts of Aboriginal Kinship systems Kinship structures and relationships
4. Totems Understand Totems and reciprocal responsibilities Whole-identity relationships and bonds across Nations and Clans
5. Skin Names Understand Skin Names - its purpose, links and range Roles and obligations within the Kinship system
6. Language and traditional affiliations Understand different language groups and interactions across and within Nations Colonisation's impact on language, affiliations and traditions
7. Lines of communication Understand communication systems between and across Nations Borders, protocols and conflict
8. Disconnected lines Understand the impact of colonialisation and Western systems on Aboriginal Kinship systems Cultural competence journey

Each of the module sections includes a video, a series of related questions and a list of useful resources to help you learn more about Aboriginal Kinship systems, how cultural conflict has arisen and improve your journey towards cultural competency.

Visit the community narratives page to explore some of the key issues and themes in more detail.