
2016 winners of the Noel Chettle Memorial Art Prize Exhibition

25 August 2016
Art Processes a celebration of innovation in art and design
The Noel Chettle Memorial Art Prize Exhibition showcases 2D and 3D works by students of Art Processes. The subject equips them with conceptual and technical skills to creatively explore dynamics between art and architecture.

Each year the Noel Chettle Memorial Art Prize Exhibition showcases 2D and 3D works by students in the Art Processes units across the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney. 2016 was no exception.

Established in 1978 by Mrs E M Chettle, widow of the late Noel Chettle, the prizes celebrate innovation in art and design. Chris Fox, Lecturer in Art Processes and Architecture explains: "Each unit looks to equip students with the conceptual and technical skills to creatively explore dynamic transactions between art and architecture".

Core units for the Bachelor of Design in Architecture, this program is also open to students from across the University as electives. "Having students from different disciplines adds vibrancy to the studios, reinforcing the importance of working across multiple disciplines as part of contemporary creative practice" said Fox. 

Six students were awarded for their achievements across the two categories of 2D and 3D Processes. 

Catherine Nemanic, Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts student, was awarded first prize in the 3D category for her interactive work, Watch; an intense collaboration of colour, light and music. Enrolled in the 'Expanded Colour' elective, Catherine said, "This encouraged me to develop the knowledge we acquired through workshop experiments into my own final project. I built on my skills in visual communication and synthesis, which are invaluable in almost every degree."

Bachelor of Design in Architecture student, Benjamin Dixon, won first prize for his 2D work Filling Holes, Restoring Possibilities, Realising Potentials, developed during the Material Processes unit. Encouraging students to engage with materials directly, Benjamin said: "The unit focused on widening our understanding of materiality and the design possibilities that become available when you think beyond the standard architectural repertoire of concrete, steel, timber and glass. It was a fantastic subject and a nice counterpoint to the design studios”.

Exhibition curated by Chris Fox and Koji Ryui coordinators of the Art Processes Units.

2016 Award Recipients

3d Processes

Catherine Nemanic, First Prize
Gabriella Boyd, Second Prize
Josh McGillicuddy, Third Prize
Dan Jacobs, Highly Commended
Yiran Hu, Highly Commended
Nicholas Locane, Highly Commended

2d Processes 

Benjamin Dixon, First Prize
Jiamei Liu, Second Prize
Isobel Lord and Nick Hartley, Third Prize
Isabelle Orr, Highly Commended
Nicholas Gunn, Highly Commended
Yunyi Fan, Highly Commended