Resources and publications

Keep up-to-date with our evolving field
Our researchers regularly publish a range of resources and publications and are often consulted by the media. We invite you to explore our work.
Supporting children and young people with disability in out-of-home care
Building disability-informed practice
  • The Disability Informed Practice in Child Protection: A Guide to Assessing Parenting Capacity with Parents with Intellectual Disability is a practical resource produced for the Toward Access and Equity study. The resource is designed to assist child protection, clinical and legal professionals to adapt their approach to engagement with parents with intellectual disability in assessment of their parenting capacity. You can download a free web version or print version.
Supporting connections for children and families in out-of-home-care
Family time from a distance
Building trauma-informed practice
Supporting parents with intellectual disability
Supporting children with incarcerated parents
Youth development and wellbeing