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Support us

Create positive impact through business education and research
Your generosity drives the next generation of business leaders and enables transformative research to solve the world's greatest challenges through business.

What your support can do

By donating to the Dean's Priorities at the University of Sydney Business School, your gift will make possible the strategic initiatives within the Business School, including groundbreaking research, student support, and partnerships with First Nations peoples to enable a better social and economic future.

Some of the Dean’s current priorities include:

  • Expanding the reach and impact of the recently launched Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion @ Work. This initiative aims to provide the research evidence needed to drive gender equality across the economy. Despite decades of effort, stubborn gender gaps in participation, pay, care and career progression continue to hold women, businesses, and the national economy back. This powerful new centre aims to build vibrant workplaces for everyone.
  • Establishing research hubs focused on the most pressing challenges of our time. These hubs will address the management of sustainability transitions toward nature-positive organising, responsible digital innovation and transformation, and delivering health, wellbeing and social inclusion at work and in the economy. The Business School academic communities underpinning these hubs will engage with industry, government, civil society and academic partners to produce excellent and impactful research.
  • Nurturing research talent through PhD Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships. These scholarships and fellowships will be aligned with the research hubs to drive innovation and entrepreneurship across disciplinary and faculty boundaries, strengthening Australia’s research capacity where it will matter most and soon.

Your support of the Dean’s Priorities Fund will help the Business School drive the change needed to build prosperous, sustainable organisations for a healthy, inclusive society.

Innovative. Responsible. Sustainable.

Make a donation

Making your contribution towards the University of Sydney Business School’s many projects and activities is easy. Tax-deductible donations of $2 or more can be made:

By completing a secure form and using your credit card

Postal address
The Advancement Portfolio
Level 2, Michael Spence Building
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia

Gift Hotline
+61 2 9552 2539

Contact us

Your gift has the power to make lasting change. If you would like to discuss a specific vision for achieving impact through philanthropy please contact:

Stephanie Haile
Development Associate (Business School)
+61 422 797 901

Or we welcome you to start a conversation by calling the Gift Hotline: +61 2 9552 2539