

24 July 2018

How data can improve healthcare

New data-driven software developed by Dr Aldo Saavedra and Dr Erick Li cuts through laborious, complex and costly pharmaceutical procurement processes to free up hospital resources for better patient care.
16 July 2018

Transport planning starts with a budget

Benefit-cost analysis in the transport sector often involves designating a corridor then conducting appraisals on a few options, writes David Hensher. But what if we start with a specific budget and don’t allow it to vary?
09 July 2018

Applying MBA skills to wicked social problems

Claire Taylor, UN Women NC Australia MBA Scholarship recipient and current MBA student, tells her story.
03 July 2018

UN scholarship winner hopes to see more women in policing

An Australian Federal Police Officer, who wants to see more women leaders in the force, has been awarded a UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship.
02 July 2018

What can Vogue teach us about technology?

Lisa Tracy, Careers and Corporate Relations Manager, MBA Programs, The University of Sydney Business School, relates her inspiring experience at Vogue Codes Live.