Professor Sid Gray
Professor Sid Gray, who is a Professor of International Business in the Business School, has been a member of ANZIBA’s executive committee since the beginning and also served as President from 2002-2004.
The Fellowship certificate presented to Professor Gray at the organisation’s recent annual Conference in Perth, praised him for “his work and dedication in establishing ANZIBA in 1997 and for his contributions to ANZIBA in the ensuing years”.
“As one of the founders I am delighted that the ANZIBA continues to be vibrant after more than 22 years,” said Professor Gray. “I am honoured to be recognised by my colleagues for having played a valuable part in ANZIBA's development and hope that international business scholars will continue to benefit from its activities for many years to come.”
ANZIBA, which now includes members from around the world, was established to foster education and research in the field of international business by “facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among educators and between the business and academic fields”.
“It also aims to assist research activities which advance knowledge of international business operations, increase the available body of teaching materials, enhance the quality of university teaching and develop a network of educators in international business,” Professor Gray said.
“A special focus is given to fostering the development of PhD students and junior scholars,” he added.
Professor Gray is also a Fellow of the Academy of international Business (AIB) in the United States, and a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.
Internationally respected researchers Professor Peter Dowling, of Latrobe University and Melbourne Business School’s Professor Denice Welch and Professor Lawrence Welch were also elected fellows of the ANZIBA during the Perth Conference.