We are bridging the gap between academics and business practitioners to better understand the factors that influence consumers. In collaboration with researchers from across the University of Sydney Business School such as marketing, business information systems, international business and transport, researchers from other faculties including information technology and economics, as well as industry representatives, we are contributing to better decision-making based on consumer insights.
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Nuruzzaman N, Singh D, and Pattnaik C (2019), Competing to be innovative: Foreign competition and imitative innovation of emerging economy firms, International Business Review, In Press.
Briley D, Danziger S and Li E, 2018, Promotional Games: Trick or Treat?, Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol 28:1, pp 99-114
Hallikainen P, Bekkhus R, and Pan S, 2018, How OpusCapita Used Internal RPA Capabilities to Offer Services to Clients, MIS Quarterly Executive, vol 17 (1), pp 41-52
Lu S and Seah Z, 2018, Social Media Influencers and Consumer Online Engagement Management in Social Media for Knowledge Management Applications in Modern Organizations, Virgilio D (ed), IGI Global, Hershey, United States, pp 81-91
Lu S, Pattnaik C, Xiao J and Voola R, 2018, Cross-national variation in consumers' retail channel selection in a multichannel environment: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries, Journal of Business Research, vol 86, pp 321-332
Nanda M, Pattnaik C and Lu S, 2018, Innovation in social media strategy for movie success: A study of the Bollywood movie industry, Management Decision, vol 56:1, pp 233-251
Pattnaik C, Lu S and Gaur A, 2018, Group affiliation and entry barriers: The dark side of business groups in emerging markets, Journal of Business Ethics
Zhang H, Wang X, Hong X and Lu S, 2018, Technology licensing in a network product market: Fixed-fee versus royalty licensing, Economic Record
Briley D, Rudd M and Aaker J, 2017, Cultivating optimism: How to frame your future during a health challenge, Journal of Consumer Research, vol 44:4, pp 895-915
Golsorkhi, M.S., Lu, D.D.C. & Guerrero, J.M. 2017, 'A GPS-based decentralized control method for islanded microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1615-1625
Golsorkhi, M.S., Savaghebi, M., Lu, D.D.C., Guerrero, J.M. & Vasquez, J.C. 2017, 'A GPS-Based Control Framework for Accurate Current Sharing and Power Quality Improvement in Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 5675-5687
Golsorkhi, M.S., Shafiee, Q., Lu, D. & Guerrero, J.M. 2017, 'A Distributed Control Framework for Integrated Photovoltaic-Battery Based Islanded Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, pp. 1-1
Gong Q, Wang K, Fan X, Fu X and Xiao Y 2017 Forthcoming 'International trade drivers and freight network analysis - The case of the Chinese air cargo sector', Journal of Transport Geography
Habibullah, M., Lu, D.D.C., Xiao, D. & Rahman, M.F. 2017, 'Finite-State Predictive Torque Control of Induction Motor Supplied from a Three-Level NPC Voltage Source Inverter', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 479-489
Habibullah, M., Lu, D.D.C., Xiao, D., Fletcher, J.E. & Rahman, M.F. 2017, 'Low complexity predictive torque control strategies for a three-level inverter driven induction motor', IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 776-783
Habibullah, M., Lu, D.D.C., Xiao, D., Fletcher, J.E. & Rahman, M.F. 2017, 'Predictive Torque Control of Induction Motor Sensorless Drive Fed by a 3L-NPC Inverter', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 60-70
Jung K, Garbarino E, Briley D and Wynhausen J, 2017, Blue and red voices: Effects of political ideology on consumers’ complaining and disputing behaviour, Journal of Consumer Research, vol 44:3, pp 477-499
Jung K, Garbarino E, Briley D and Wynhausen J, 2017, Political ideology and consumer research beyond complaining behaviour: A response to the commentaries, Journal of Consumer Research, vol 44:3, pp 511-518
Jung K, Garbarino E, Briley D and Wynhausen J, 2017, Blue and red voices: Effects of political ideology on consumers’ complaining and disputing behaviour, Journal of Consumer Research, vol 44:3, pp 477-499
Jung K, Garbarino E, Briley D and Wynhausen J, 2017, Political ideology and consumer research beyond complaining behaviour: A response to the commentaries, Journal of Consumer Research, vol 44:3, pp 511-518
Lau YY, Ducruet C, Ng A and Fu X 2017 'Across the waves: a bibliometric analysis of container shipping research since the 1960s', Maritime Policy and Management, vol.44:6, pp. 667-684
Lu S, Pattnaik C, Xiao J and Voola R 2017 Forthcoming 'Cross-national variation in consumers' retail channel selection in a multichannel environment: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries', Journal of Business Research
Lu S, Yang Y and Huangfu SX 2017 Forthcoming 'Travelers' Prior Knowledge and Search Advertising', Tourism Analysis
Qi, J. & Lu, D.D.-.C. 2017, 'A Preventive Approach for Solving Battery Imbalance Issue by Using a Bidirectional Multiple-Input Ćuk Converter Working in DCVM', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 7780-7789
Sheng D, Li ZC, Fu X and Gillen D 2017 'Modeling the effects of unilateral and uniform emission regulations under shipping company and port competition', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol.101, pp. 99-114
Tu N, Adiputranto D, Fu X and Li Z 2017 Forthcoming 'Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Wang K, Tsui KWH, Liang L and Fu X 2017 Forthcoming 'Entry Patterns of Low-Cost Carriers in Hong Kong and Implications to the Regional Market', Journal of Air Transport Management
Xiao Y, Fu X, Oum TH and Yan J 2017 'Modeling airport capacity choice with real options', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol.100, pp. 93-114
Yu S, Briley D and Frow P, 2017, Political ideology and review evaluation, Advances in Consumer Research (Proceedings), vol 45, pp 1-3
Yu S, Briley D and Frow P, 2017, Political ideology and review evaluation, Advances in Consumer Research (Proceedings), vol 45, pp 1-3
Zhang Y, Wang K and Fu X 2017 'Air Transport Services in Regional Australia – Demand pattern, frequency choice and airport entry', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol.103, pp. 472-89
Zheng S, Ge YE, Fu X, Nie Y and Xie C 2017 Forthcoming 'Modeling collusion-proof port emission regulation of cargo-handling activities under incomplete information', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Zhuang W, Chen J and Fu X 2017 'Joint dynamic pricing and capacity control for hotels and rentals with advanced demand information', Operations Research Letters, vol.45:5, pp. 397-402
Consumer Insights Research Group Forum
29 to 30 November 2018
The University of Sydney
This annual event is organised by the Consumer Insights Research Group (CIRG) at the University of Sydney Business School, UNSW and UTS.
It brings prominent marketing researchers in Australia and New Zealand (especially in quantitative modelling and consumer behaviour) together for the purposes of:
21 to 22 September 2017
The University of Sydney
The Consumer Insights Research Group Forum is an annual event that is organised by Consumer Insight Research Group (CIRG) at the University of Sydney Business School.