
Marketing and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ANZ Research & Education Network

Making UN SDGS central to marketing activity in Australia and New Zealand
We aim to drive scholarship and teaching innovations at the intersection of marketing and the UN SDGs.

We are a group of Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) marketing academics and research scholars who aim to provide an avenue for interested scholars to collaborate and drive knowledge at the intersection of Marketing and the SDGs.

Our purpose

This network includes marketing academics from ANZ who are passionate about researching and teaching the SDGs in marketing. 

We advocate for the marketing academia and practice to be proactive, strategic, and explicit in engaging with the SDGs. Marketing has unique characteristics to do this, including:

  • an intimate understanding of consumers, the ability to develop compelling, persuasive, authentic communications
  • the ability to differentiate products and services, allowing marketing to enable a greater understanding and dissemination of this knowledge to assist in achieving these goals.

Marketing plays a critical boundary spanning role between the organisation and various stakeholders including; suppliers and the broader community.

The Network’s main purpose is the advocacy and facilitation of marketing academics to engage in SDGs through research and education. This will be achieved in the following ways.

  • to identify research priority areas at the interface of marketing and the SDGs
  • to develop collaborative research partnerships with marketing scholars who are interested in the SDGs in ANZ
  • to recognise research from ANZ academics and provide pathways for publication and research support.
  • to be a point of contact for industry partners wishing to research or apply SDGs in their businesses.
  • Creating an environment to share and disseminate resources across ANZMAC.
  • Reviewing curriculum in undergraduate and postgraduate courses through an SDG lens
  • Explore the potential for developing courses/units or programs with an SDG focus (e.g., Doctorate in Sustainable Development at Curtin University)
  • Collating and sharing resources to ensure ANZ education in marketing on SDGs in world-class.
  • Provide capacity-building opportunities for students related to SDGs.
  • Recognising SDG impact through student awards
  • Student leadership forums

Our publications

Kemper, J. A., Moscato, E. M., & Kennedy, A.-M. (2022). Hacking the Marketing Education System: Using Macromarketing and the Circular Economy to Make a Better World. Journal of Marketing Education, 44(3), 311–321.

Kullak, F. S., Fehrer, J. A., Baker, J. J., Woratschek, H., & Sam-Cobbah, J. (2022). Shaping market systems for social change in emerging economies. Industrial Marketing Management, 100, 19–35.

Voola, R., 2022. Reflections of an engaged marketing scholar: An SDG-guided journey towards being a ‘called professional’. In Business Schools, Leadership and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 117-135). Routledge.

Voola, R., Bandyopadhyay, C., Voola, A., Ray, S., Carlson, J. (2022). B2B marketing scholarship and the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs): A systematic literature review. Industrial Marketing Management, 101, 12-32

Fehrer, J. A., & Wieland, H. (2021). A systemic logic for circular business models. Journal of Business Research, 125, 609–620.

Kemper, J. A., & Ballantine, P. W. (2019). What do we mean by sustainability marketing? Journal of Marketing Management, 35(3-4), 277–309.

Briley, D. A., Rudd, M., & Aaker, J. (2017). Cultivating Optimism: How to Frame Your Future during a Health Challenge. The Journal of Consumer Research, 44(4), 895–915.

Briley, D. A., & Aaker, J. L. (2006). Bridging the Culture Chasm: Ensuring That Consumers Are Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 25(1), 53–66.

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