Digital Futures at Work Research Centre Seminar, 'Pipeline or pond? Mobilising supply and demand-side narratives to explain the ‘problem’ of male-dominated jobs (a work in progress).' Leeds, UK; 23 September 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Work and Equalities Institute Seminar, 'What’s IR got to do with it? Progress toward gender equality at work & recent IR change in Oz.' Manchester, UK; 17 September 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Australian Retailers Association (ARA) WHS Advisory Committee, '“Just another day in retail”: Understanding sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry.' Sydney; 22 August 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy. 'Young women and gender equality @ work: Research evidence from Australia.' Melbourne; 20 August 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Australian Retailers Association (ARA) CEO Forum, '“Just another day in retail”: Understanding sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry.' Sydney; 20 August 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), 'Migrant and refugee women’s attitudes, experiences and responses to sexual harassment in the workplace', Melbourne; 20 August 2024. Attendance by Professor Rae Cooper AO and Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Lowy Institute's Roundtable, 'Financing social protection in the Pacific and Timor-Leste.' Sydney; 14 August 2024. Participation by Dr Suneha Seetahul.
NSW Nurses & Midwives’ Association Professional Day, 'Gender equality at work: The research evidence.' Sydney; 7 August 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
NSW Respect @ Work Council Advisory Group meeting, '“Just another day in retail”: Understanding sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry.' Sydney; 5 August 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Australian Bureau of Statistics expert advisory meeting, 'New estimates of paid work in the Labour Account by age and sex.' Sydney; 22 July 2024. Presented by Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Parents at Work Webinar, 'What do women want now: The research evidence.' Sydney; 9 July 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
International Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress 2024, ‘Engendering the Right to Work in International Law: Recognising Menstruation and Menopause in Paid Work.’ Manhattan, New York; 30 June 2024. Presentation by Sydney Colussi.
International Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress 2024, '“Just another day in retail”: Understanding sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry (ANROWS).' New York; 28 June 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Congress 2024, ‘Gender Equality – What’s Next? Emerging issues and priorities.’ Adelaide; 5 June 2024. Presented by Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Women in Super keynote address, 'Gender equality in the workplace.' Sydney; 29 May 2024. Presentation by Professor Elizabeth Hill.
NSW Treasury, 'Bargaining for gender equality in the NSW public sector', Sydney; 7 May 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
Industrial Relations Society of NSW (IRSNSW) Annual Conference, 'A New Hope: The Next Golden Era of Industrial Relations.' Wollongong; 3-5 May 2024. Chaired by Professor Rae Cooper.
The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) Future of Work & Care Symposium, 'Reimagining low-wage, feminised service-sector work and care: Changes to supermarket jobs.' Melbourne; 3 May 2024. Presented by Dr Laura Good.
International Employment Relations Association (ILERA) & International Labour Organsation (ILO), 'Researching work in and after the pandemic.' Sydney; 24 April 2024. Presented by Professor Rae Cooper.
British Academy of Management (BAM), 'Gender, employee voice and social justice webinar' Sydney; 17 April 2024. Presented by Professor Rae Cooper.
Universidad de la Frontera, 'The Australian Index and Dashboards on Gender Equality @ Work'. Chile; 10 April 2024. Presentation by Dr Suneha Seetahul.
International Labour Organsation (ILO), 'The Australian Index and Dashboards on Gender Equality @ Work'. Santiago, Chile; 10 April 2024. Presentation by Dr Suneha Seetahul.
Insurance Australia Group (IAG), 'International Women's Day panel'. Canberra; 7 March 2024. Presentation by Rae Cooper.
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), 'International Women's Day panel'. Canberra; 5 March 2024. Presentation by Rae Cooper.
Australian Gender Economics Workshop, 'Sex ratio imbalance, fertility preferences and labor markets in India', 1 Februrary 2024. Presented by Dr Suneha Seetahul.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'What’s IR got to do with it? Building gender equality in the post pandemic future of work '. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'Gendered gaps and challenges in the post-pandemic future of work'. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Professor Elizabeth Hill.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'Digitalisation and gender in a feminised workforce: Reimagining supermarket work'. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Laura Good.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'How did COVID-19 reshape work flexibility meanings, practices and aspirations? Mixed-method evidence on the Australian female workforce'. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Dr Suneha Seetahul.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'The gendered impacts of technology change in the legal profession'. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Talara Lee and Amy Tapsell.
AIRAANZ 2024 Conference, 'Engendering the Right to Work in International Law: Accommodating Menstruation and Menopause in Paid Work'. Perth; 31 January 2024. Presentation by Sydney Colussi.
Greater Cities Commission (GCC) Stakeholder Workshop, 'Improving workforce participation of women on the Central Coast: A qualitative study of what women want and need for a productive future at work', Gosford; 29 November 2023. Presentation by A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), DEWR Roundtable, 'The Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion @ Work', Canberra; 9 November 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO.
Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA), ANROWS Workshop, 'Understanding and addressing sexual harassment in the Australian retail sector', Newcastle; 31 October 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
NSW Industry Relations Society (IRS), NSW IRS Presentation, 'What’s IR got to do with it? Gender equality at work and the FWA in 2023', Newcastle; 3 November 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO.
The Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA), ALERA National Conference, 'Gender equality, work and industrial relations', Tasmania; 27-28 October 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and Talara Lee.
International Labour Organisation, Equal Pay International Coalition, 'A New Framework, Dashboard and Index for Measuring the Drivers of Pay Inequality', International Labour Organisation', Geneva, Switzerland; 26-27 October 2023. Presentation by A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Women in Super, The 2023 Women in Super Summit, 'Gender equality, work and care', 25 October 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
University of Sydney, Alumni Roundtable, 'The Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion @ Work', Sydney; 17 October 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
University of Sydney, Lunch and Learn, 'The Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion @ Work', Sydney; 3 October 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
James Martin Institute for Public Policy (JMI), Workshop, 'Research informed principles to build a gender equitable future of work in NSW', 21 September 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Commonwealth Treasury White Paper Taskforce, Expert Consultation, 'Gender lens on full employment', 1 September 2023. Consultation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Champions of Change National 2016 Group, Keynote Presentation, ‘Leading on Care', 8 September 2023. Presentation by A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Productivity Commission Inquiry ((with W+FPR), 'Early Childhood Education and Care,' 27 September 2023. Evidence provided by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
East Asian Social Policy Research Network, Annual Conference 2023, 'Gender equality in the post-pandemic future of work', 14 September 2023. A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Gender Network Forum, 'Are we there yet; gender equality in Australia', 7 September 2023. Presentation by A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
The International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS), 'How did COVID-19 reshape work flexibility meanings, practices and aspirations? Mixed method evidence on the Australian female workforce', Paris, France; 6 September 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO, A/Professor Elizabeth Hill and Dr Suneha Seetahul.
Department of the Treasury; Women’s Economic Outcomes - Senior Officials Working Group, 'Drivers of gender equality in the Australian labour market', 23 August 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Sydney Employment Relations Research Group (SERG), Australia’s New Bargaining Reforms: Barriers and Opportunities Workshop, 'What’s IR got to do with it? Gender equality at work and the FWA in 2023', Sydney; 18 August. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and Talara Lee.
APEC Second Meeting of the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE II), 'Engaging men in women's economic empowerment', Seattle, USA (online); 17 August 2023. Presentation by A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
NSW Public Service Commission, Belonging & Inclusion Forum: Carers and Caring, Sydney; 17 August 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
Australian Retailers Association (ARA), ANROWS Workshop, 'Understanding and addressing sexual harassment in the Australian retail sector', Sydney; 10 August 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO and A/Professor Elizabeth Hill.
NSW Industry Relations Society (IRS), NSW IRS Conference 2023, 'Do we have gender equitable workplaces? No, not yet!', Sydney; May 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
Australasian VET Research Association (AVETRA), AVETRA Annual Conference 2023, ' Gender and Skills', 27 April 2023. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
IRS NSW Webinar, IRS, 4 April 2023. Professor Rae Cooper AO resented findings from latest GEWL data releases on what women want from work now, current challenges they face, and developments we have seen to address these issues.
Treasury Conference, Australian Government Treasury, 'Greedy jobs, labour market institutions and the gender pay gap,' Canberra, 4 April 2023. Joint presentation Professor Rae Cooper AO and Kristen Sobeck (Australian National University)
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Policy Partnership, Panel Presentation on Women and the Economy (PPWE), Palm Springs, California (Virtual), 23 February 2023, Panel presentation by A/ Professor Elizabeth Hill
IRSQ, IRSQ Annual Breakfast, Brisbane, Queensland 21 February 2023, Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
Aware Super, Aware Super Women's Event, Sydney, NSW, 16 February 2023, Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
Flexibility at Work Post Covid, 19 October 2022. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
KPMG, NSW Economics Gender Responsive Budgeting Panel, 18 October 2022. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper AO
National Farmer's Federation, 12 October 2022. Flexibility at work post-Covid. Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper, AO
Industrial Relations Society of Tasmania, 7 October 2022. What do young women want from work now (and how do we meet their needs)? Presentation by Professor Rae Cooper, AO
Senate Inquiry into Work and Care, 7 October, Expert Evidence, Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
Revenue Summit, Parliament House, 6 October 'Revenue for Public Services', Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
Jessie Street Trust, 15 September,The Future of Work. Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
Social Science Week Webinar,14 September, “First 100 Days: Politics, Policy and Reform under the Albanese Government”Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
International Labor and Employment Relations Association (ILERA),Building blocks for a gender equitable post-covid future of work, ILERA European Conference, Sept 10, 2022
Sydney Policy Lab, 31 August 2022, "Policy Options: Women and Insecure Work", Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
NSW Investment Workshop, 31 August 2022, "NSW Government Strategy for Women in Innovation Precincts" Presentation by A/ Professor Hill
Senator Walsh Jobs & Skills Public Panel, 30 August 2022, "No Economy without the Care Economy", Contributing Panel Member A/ Professor Hill
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 7 July 2022, “Pandemic, she-cession and the Great Exhaustion”, OECD Podcasts, Presentation by Professor Cooper
Committee on the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), 29 June 2022. A/Prof Hill contributing panellist "Shaping our workforce of the future: policy, practice and problem-solving - State of the Nation"
Diversity Council Australia (DCA), 28 June 2022, “Embedding Equitable Flexibility”, Presentation by Professor Cooper
Health Services Union (HSU) Women’s Conference, 14 June 2022. Presentation by A/Prof Hill "Great Bloody Hurdle"
Gender and Cultural Studies Seminar, 10 June 2022. Presentation by Prof Cooper & A/Prof Hill "Gender equality, the future of work, careers, care OCVID-19 and the whole dam lot"
NSW Treasury, 6 April 2022 “What Women Want from Work now’, Presentation by Professor Cooper
Champions of Change Coalition, Health leaders group, 31 March 2022. Keynote by Prof Cooper: “Gender equity at work now: Applying a gender lens to the post-pandemic future of work”
NSW Treasury, Women’s Economic Opportunities Review, 30 March 2022. Panel presentation by Prof Cooper and A/Prof Hill: “What women want at work: research findings and recommendations”
Industry Super Australia, 22 March 2022. Presentation by A/Prof Hill: “How making childcare cheaper can help close the gender super gap”
UGL International Women’s Day event, 8 March 2022. Keynote by Prof Cooper: “What do women want from work now?”
Industry Super Australia, 8 March 2022. Presentation by Prof Cooper: “Gender equality at work post covid”
Gender and Sexuality at Work Conference, University of Melbourne, 15 February 2022. Keynote by Prof Cooper: “Building Back Fairer? Applying a gender lens to the post-pandemic future of work”
Committee for Sydney, Sydney Summit, 7 February 2022. Keynote by Prof Cooper: “From weary and whiplashed to participating and productive”
Chief Executive Women Circle, 31 January 2022. Keynote by Prof Cooper and A/Prof Hill: “Building a gender equitable economic recovery: The research evidence”
ACTU Superannuation Trustees forum, 9 November 2021. Presentation by Prof Cooper: “Gender Lens Investing: What is it, why do we care?”
OECD Forum Network, 22 October 2021. Presentation by A/Prof Hill and Prof Cooper: Deep dive on the gendered pandemic and a gender equitable recovery”
Women in Super National Roadshow, 13 October 2021. Keynote by Prof Cooper and A/Prof Hill: “Women, Work & Economic Security: COVID-19 & the Plan for a Gender Equal Recovery”
Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), 7 October 2021. Presentation by A/Prof Hill: “GROWING MINDS, GROWING ECONOMY: CHILDCARE AND THE WORKFORCE”
The Social Policy Institute at the Crawford School of the ANU, 23 July 2021. Keynote by A/Prof Hill: “COVID-19, Gender and Work: Policy, Risk and Opportunities for a gender responsive recovery”
ILERA World Congress, 24 June 2021. Keynote address by Prof Cooper: “Gender Equality at Work: Where are we now, where to next? (after COVID-19)”