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External support available to students
If you have a question, issue or request please:
CET monitors daily attendance of all students to conform with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act, National Code 2018 Standard 8: “Overseas student visa requirements”.
Please review the CET Student Attendance and Suspension Process (pdf, 196KB), which outlines the attendance requirements.
Please also view our course attendance table below for a summary of the attendance requirements.
Attendance | Implication |
100% | Congratulations, you attend every class and always arrive on time. |
95% | You have used 1/4 of your available "away from class" time for your whole course. |
90% | You have used 1/2 of your available "away from class" time for your whole course. You will receive a first warning email about your attendance. |
85% | You have used 3/4 of your available "away from class" time for your whole course. You will receive a second warning email about your attendance. |
80% | You have used all of your available "away from class" time for your whole course. This is the minimum level of attendance you must maintain for your student visa. |
<80% | You will receive a "Notice of Intention to Report" email from CET. You have 20 working days to contact us by email at and if you want to appeal this decision. If you do not request an appeal within 20 working days, or if your appeal is unsuccessful, you will be notified of your right to request an external review by the National Student Ombudsman (NSO) by lodging a complaint with them by calling 1300 395 775 or visiting To do this, go to and lodge a complaint within 10 working days. CET will cancel your CET course enrolment and report you to the Department of Home Affairs if you do not provide evidence of your complaint to the NSO within 10 working days by email at and |
<70% | CET must report you to the Department of Home Affairs. |
CET contacts you via your official University student email address (if you have one), your personal email address and SMS (if you have provided those to us).
If we report you to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), you will need to see an Immigration Officer within 28 days of the date we inform DHA. You can make any submissions about your circumstances, take photo identification with you.
You may contact the DHA directly regarding your visa status or ask a registered migration agent to assist with your case.
At any time, if you need advice or support, please contact us or make an appointment with a CET counsellor.
Please see the Request for Change of Provider Guidelines (pdf, 133KB) for information regarding changing to another education provider.
If you have a complaint, please contact the relevant CET Manager by email, including your name and CET Student ID number.
If the CET manager is unable to resolve the complaint and you would then like to lodge a formal complaint to the University, please send an email to that includes:
Student Affairs will contact CET to advise us of the complaint. We will try to arrange local resolution with you if a CET manager has not already attempted this. CET will respond formally to your complaint.
After this, if you wish to request an external review, you can contact the National Student Ombudsman (NSO) by calling 1300 395 775 or visiting
Please review the CET Course Progress Guidelines (pdf, 550KB) for information on the steps taken if you do not meet the progression requirements of your CET English course. You may bring a friend or support person to any meeting you have at CET.
Please review the policy for Critical Incidents Involving Students Procedures 2018.
Student conduct expectations and the process for alleged misconduct are outlined in the CET Student Discipline Provisions (pdf, 251KB).
External support available to students