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Now in place for just over a month, Professor Zhu is keen for the School to be at the forefront of innovation in electrical and information engineering. He is particularly passionate about promoting multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, such as Internet of Things (IoT) applications and smart energy grids to meet future technology demands.
“I was attracted to the role because of the University of Sydney’s reputation, the quality of its staff and the University’s rich history," says Professor Zhu.
"I’m eager to work with the impressive people at the School and to take the research being done here to the next level.”
Professor Zhu’s focus will be on developing the School’s relationships with high-ranking universities, building on its current strengths as well as leveraging his own networks in China and around the world. His philosophy of “chasing the problem”, his research experience and many accolades reflect a passion for identifying new opportunities and being at the forefront of innovation.
Over his career, Professor Zhu has held several senior positions including the Head of School for Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems, Director of the Centre for Green Energy and Vehicle Innovations (CGEVI) and Director of the Centre for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (CEMPE) in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering, all at the University of Technology Sydney.
Internationally, he has held a number of honorary appointments including the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering in the USA, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Germany and Zhejiang University in China.
During his time as Director for CGEVI and Director for CEMPE, Professor Zhu built a strong research program of electrical power engineering covering magnetic materials, electromagnetic field analysis, electrical machines, power electronics, electrical drives, biomedical instruments, electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and smart micro grid control.
As a researcher, Professor Zhu has been a chief investigator for numerous research projects including 11 ARC grants and 49 CRC, as well as industry projects. His long list of publications include two books, 10 book chapters, 281 refereed journal articles and 617 conference papers. In the last five years, he has published 119 refereed journal articles with 21 published in journals of impact factors above 7 and supervised more than 10 research fellows as well as visiting academics and HDR students.
A new multi-million-dollar engineering and IT precinct at the University is now underway and the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is leading the charge in the first stage. The exciting new development will create innovative workspaces for staff, state-of-the-art facilities for students and researchers, and support a student community living on and around campus.