
AMR Social Science at MBI

10 February 2020
Led by Professor Alex Broom (SSPS), MBI announces new AMR Social Science Node
Come along to ‘The Social Life of Antimicrobials: Practices, Economies, Contexts and Futures' workshop and join leading experts in the humanities and social sciences to critically examine the precursors of, and potential solutions to, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) across contexts and cultures.

AMR is a critical global health concern. Despite growing awareness of the need to implement effective stewardship programs to optimise the use of current antimicrobial options – and to develop new classes of antibiotics – AMR continues to escalate. AMR Social Science at the Marie Bashir Institute (MBI) is dedicated to understanding how different social, political and economic contexts shape local antimicrobial practices and the perpetuation of resistance across context and cultures. This involves two primary objectives:

  1. working toward better understandings of the multidimensional and escalating problem of AMR across nations and cultures, and
  2.  developing more effective approaches to antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) through innovative social models of practice and practice change.

We aim to transform social science understandings into real-world solutions to antimicrobial mis-use, forming a crucial pillar in the national and global response to resistance. Partnering with a wide range of organisations, we represent a unique collaboration of social science and STEM scholars, providing actionable solutions to government and industry.

Event details:

2 March 2020

Room 203, RD Watt Building, The University of Sydney

  • 8.15am registration and coffee
  • 8.45am - 4.30pm presentations

Please join the Dean, Professor Annamarie Jagose at 4.45pm for the offical FASS launch followed by drinks.