
MBI announced as Flagship Centre

15 April 2021
FMH flagship centres announced
As part of their 2025 Strategy, the Faculty of Medicine and Health embarked on a review of its Research Centres to determine where they should strategically focus their research support and investment.

MBI is excited to announce that we have been selected as one of six Flagship Centres*.  We look forward to our world-leading research community continuing their research into the health and socioeconomic consequences of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. 

Become a member to join our vibrant, cross-disciplinary academic community of researchers from across the University.

*Flagship Centres are long-term major groupings of researchers conducting world-leading research that addresses a significant research problem. These Flagship Centres will be focussed on delivering outcomes through the execution of multiple research programmes in their research area.

Name Focus Area
Marie Bashir Institute Infectious disease: emerging infections and antimicrobial resistance
Musculoskeletal Health Research  Musculoskeletal health and wellbeing
NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre Clinical trials
Save Sight Institute Vision disorders and vision science  
The Daffodil Centre  Cancer control, prevention and policy
The Matilda Centre   Mental health and substance abuse