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09 June 2023

Medicinal cannabis is a 'life-changing treatment' for people with Tourette syndrome

Australian researchers have published the first robust clinical study proving that medicinal cannabis effectively treats the debilitating effects of Tourette syndrome.
06 June 2023

Patients with unmet mental health needs are turning to medicinal cannabis

New research shows Australian healthcare practitioners are often prescribing medicinal cannabis for psychiatric conditions where the evidence for effectiveness is unclear.
15 September 2022

Free cannabis testing for ACT home-growers

A study will examine home-grown cannabis in the Australian Capital Territory for medicinal and non/medicinal purposes. The goal is to investigate cannabis consumption, behaviours and attitudes among users.
25 August 2022

Legal use of medicinal cannabis on the rise

New research from the University of Sydney's Lambert Initiative finds most Australians are still medicating with illicit cannabis, although numbers accessing prescription products have risen dramatically.
31 May 2022

Very high doses of cannabis component CBD don't affect driving

University of Sydney-led research finds that 1500mg, the highest daily medicinal dose of cannabidiol (CBD), has no impact on people's driving or cognitive abilities.
10 May 2022

First comprehensive study reveals why Australians take medicinal cannabis

Of the 248,000 scripts approved for Australians since the inception of the national medicinal cannabis scheme in 2016, many related to conditions for which the drug has limited evidence of efficacy, a new University of Sydney study shows.
17 January 2022

Innovative mental health grants awarded to Sydney Researchers

Two Sydney research teams were awarded over $3 million by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) under the Australian Government's Innovative Therapies for Mental Illness Grant.
22 January 2022

$13m for national eating disorder research centre

The Australian Government Department of Health has awarded the University of Sydney a $13 million four-year grant, which will fund the establishment of the Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre.
02 December 2021

THC in blood and saliva are poor measures of cannabis impairment

The findings contrast with the much stronger relationship between blood alcohol concentrations and driving impairment, with implications for the application of drug-driving laws globally.
05 October 2021

'Mother of all cannabinoids': anti-seizure compounds found in cannabis

The team at the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics is focused on developing a better cannabis-based treatment for Dravet syndrome, an intractable form of childhood epilepsy.
05 October 2021

Guidelines for treatment of alcohol problems notes risks, stigma

The University of Sydney has led the development of the updated federal Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems, publicised in the MJA yesterday, which sits alongside the NHMRC alcohol consumption guidelines.

22 July 2021

'An entourage effect': new clues on how low-dose CBD products work

Research from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics shows that hemp extracts deliver high concentrations of cannabinoid acids in mice due to a 'pharmacokinetic entourage' mechanism.
19 May 2021

Survey of pharmacists on medicinal cannabis

With the imminent arrival of over-the-counter cannabidiol (CBD) products, pharmacists will become the new gatekeepers of patient access to certain types of medicinal cannabis products.

12 April 2021

Scientists put the stopwatch on cannabis intoxication

New analysis from the Lambert Initiative defines durations of impairment after inhaled or oral THC doses. Findings raise questions about current drug-driving laws, which penalise for THC presence, not intoxication levels.
02 December 2020

Cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis does not impair driving, landmark study shows

Scientists from the Lambert Initiative have shown that a medically active component of cannabis does not impact driving ability and moderate THC intoxication lasts a few hours, with implications for drug-driving laws and managing medical cannabis.
10 November 2020

Has legalising medicinal cannabis made a difference?

The University of Sydney is launching CAMS20 - an online survey of Australian medicinal cannabis use over the past 12 months. This survey will provide an updated snapshot on how Australians are currently using cannabis medicinally.
16 September 2020

Australia unprepared for over-the-counter medical cannabis sales

Professor Iain McGregor from the Lambert Initiative says it is time for Australia to have a mature approach to consumer access to safe and effective cannabinoid products without a prescription.
08 September 2020

Medical cannabis study for spinal injury pain wins NSW Health funding

Treatments for chronic pain caused by spinal injury can cause side effects almost as difficult as the pain it is treating. Experts at the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics and Brain and Mind Centre will see if cannabidiol is an effective alternative.
17 June 2020

How Australians use medical cannabis since legislation: new survey

Australians report using medicinal cannabis for chronic pain, mental health and sleep with the majority sourcing cannabis illicitly, despite medicinal cannabis being legal, a new survey from the University of Sydney has revealed.
22 April 2020

Survey shows use of medicinal cannabis for inflammatory bowel disease

A quarter of Australians with inflammatory bowel disease report medicinal cannabis eases their symptoms, according to a new survey from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics.
12 December 2019

Barry and Joy Lambert recognised as medicinal cannabis pioneers

Philanthropists Barry and Joy Lambert have been recognised with Honorary Fellowships by the University of Sydney for their pioneering collaboration on the establishment of the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics.
12 September 2019

Study casts doubt on accuracy of mobile drug testing devices

Research at the University of Sydney Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics suggests the devices currently used return both false positives and false negatives.
16 July 2019

Cannabis treatment counters addiction: first study of its kind

A Sydney-led study published in a JAMA journal provides the first strong evidence that medicinal cannabis could reduce the rate of relapse for users of cannabis - a leading cause of drug treatment episodes in Australia.
07 May 2019

The science of cannabis and driving

As medical cannabis becomes more readily available, it is imperative that any risks relating to driving are clarified via thorough research.
18 April 2019

Cannabis use in inflammatory bowel disease: new surveys announced

Two new surveys announced for patients using or considering using medicinal cannabis to ease the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and for specialists caring for these patients.
27 March 2019

Can medicinal cannabis treat the tics in Tourette syndrome?

A pioneering clinical trial investigating medicinal cannabis as a potential treatment for people living with Tourette syndrome will be conducted by Wesley Medical Research, with the cannabis supply facilitated by Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney.
12 November 2018

Few doctors prescribe medical cannabis for chemo-induced nausea

Few doctors are prescribing medical cannabis to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy because good evidence is lacking, say experts in today's Medical Journal of Australia.
30 January 2019

INSPIRED! $1 billion philanthropic achievement

The University of Sydney has reached its $1 billion target following an epic philanthropic campaign - the most successful of any university in the nation.
05 September 2018

Cannabis As Medicine Survey CAMS:18 launches

The University of Sydney is launching CAMS:18 - an online survey for people who have used medicinal cannabis in the past 12 months. This survey will provide an 'after' snapshot since legislative changes in 2016.
14 August 2018

Illicit cannabis used for pain, mental health, sleep conditions

Australians who used illicit cannabis for medical reasons did so mainly to treat chronic pain, mental health, sleep and neurological conditions like epilepsy or seizure disorders, according to University of Sydney research.
05 July 2018

Content of illicit cannabis to treat kids with epilepsy revealed

A study of community use of medicinal cannabis to treat childhood epilepsy has found most samples contained some THC and little CBD, contrary to parents' expectations, and a majority were reported as reducing seizures.
04 July 2018

Australian GPs cautiously supportive of medicinal cannabis access

A majority of GPs believe medicinal cannabis should be available on prescription, bypassing the specialist system, but most lack information about how to negotiate the bureaucratic processes to meet increasing patient demand.
20 September 2017

Psychopharmacology professor unlearns cannabis use

Professor Iain McGregor explains how unlearning has led to a new way of seeing the world - from tennis to the perception of failure.

03 May 2017

Cannabinoid researchers join forces

The University of Sydney and Thomas Jefferson University have officially agreed to collaborate on education and research on the therapeutic uses of cannabinoids. 

10 March 2017

Survey reveals cannabis use in Australians with epilepsy

Australians with epilepsy are turning to cannabis products when antiepileptic drug side-effects are intolerable and epilepsy uncontrolled.

18 August 2016

Pioneering study of cannabis extracts in treating epileptic kids

A pioneering study, the Paediatric Epilepsy Lambert Initiative Cannabinoid Analysis (PELICAN), launches today not only to identify issues facing families living with epilepsy but also to analyse cannabis products being used in the community - with the potential to uncover new and more effective medications.

29 March 2016

Legalising medicinal cannabis would create $100 million industry

Analysis from the University of Sydney Business School has found that legalising medicinal cannabis in Australia could create a new industry worth more than $100 million per year. 

26 February 2016

University partners in medical cannabis trial for chemotherapy patients

A clinical trial using a new form of cannabis developed by the University of Sydney's Lambert Initiative will assess the use of the drug to prevent nausea and vomiting in people undergoing chemotherapy.

12 June 2015

Lambert donation puts Australia at forefront of medicinal cannabinoid research

A $33.7 million gift to the University of Sydney, the largest donation ever made to research, will establish the Lambert Initiative for cannabinoid therapeutics research.