
04 October 2019

The Honourable Nicola Roxon receives Doctor of Laws

Former parliamentarian the Honourable Nicola Roxon has received a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) in recognition of her contributions to government, health and public health law.
30 August 2019

The implications of Boris Johnson's parliamentary suspension for Brexit

Tightened parliamentary timeframes have made the prospect of Britain exiting the European Union on 31 October without a deal in place far more likely, writes Professor Anne Twomey for The Conversation.
30 August 2019

The implications of Boris Johnson's parliamentary suspension for Brexit

Tightened parliamentary timeframes have made the prospect of Britain exiting the European Union on 31 October without a deal in place far more likely, writes Professor Anne Twomey for The Conversation.
26 July 2019

Consorting with criminals: a legitimate offence?

A University of Sydney Law School researcher has argued that consorting laws reveal a new character of criminal responsibility in a research paper.
22 July 2019

Global experts to discuss risks facing children on the move

Being held at the University of Sydney this week, the inaugural Children, Migration and the Right to Health Conference will examine key issues facing the world's child migrants.
17 July 2019

Sydney rises in Times Higher Education global reputation ranking

The University of Sydney has moved into second place in Australia in the 2019 Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings.
17 July 2019

A new solution to countering bad science in forensics

Led by a University of Sydney law and psychology expert, an international group of researchers are calling for forensic science to become more open in the interests of justice.
01 July 2019

Professor Simon Bronitt commences as Head of School and Dean of Law

The Sydney Law School has welcomed new leadership, with the commencement of Professor Simon Bronitt as Head of School and Dean.
28 June 2019

The role of law, regulation and policy in feeding the future

The 2019 Food Governance Conference will explore how law, regulation and policy can help address contemporary challenges facing the global food system, including drought, climate change, trade, malnutrition and exploited workers.
11 June 2019

Honorary doctorate awarded to Chief Justice of New South Wales

University graduate and New South Wales Supreme Court Chief Justice, The Honourable Thomas Frederick Bathurst AC QC has received a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) from the University of Sydney.