Links for current students
Taught around the world, our offshore study electives focus on specific in-country legal aspects and broader issues such as human rights, development, international law and legal theory.
This program gives you an opportunity to undertake a selected range of elective units of study in prestigious locations in Europe. Locations vary, and have included Robinson College at the University of Cambridge, Humboldt University in Berlin, the Academy of Arts and Social Sciences in Amsterdam and Prato, near Florence.
Jointly run by Sydney Law School and the East China University of Political Science and Law, this is an elective unit of study comprising an intensive three-week introduction to Chinese laws and legal systems, while experiencing life in Shanghai.
We offer an innovative and exciting opportunity to study at the Himalayan Field School. With assistance from Kathmandu School of Law, the field school is conducted over two weeks in Nepal. It explores the fascinating and difficult problems of development and human rights confronting a developing country. This elective unit of study is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The Kyoto and Tokyo seminars offer a unique opportunity to study Japanese Law on an intensive basis in global and socio-economic context. The program aims to develop the general skills of comparative lawyers, to effectively and critically assess contemporary developments in one of the world's wealthiest democracies. It is jointly organised by the University of Sydney Law School and Ritsumeikan University School of Law, with the assistance of the Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL).
The Southeast Asia Field School is an intensive two-week course, taught in English. Students visit Malaysia and Indonesia for one week each. The aims of the school are to provide an in-depth introduction to the legal systems of both countries, highlight some of the unique legal issues faced in those countries, and to compare the operation of these systems to the Australian and other common-law legal systems. The program is administrated by Sydney Law School and two in-country partners.
To find out more, please refer to our Student Handbook for up to date information on all electives.
"Undertaking my Jurisprudence elective at Humboldt University in Berlin under the teaching of Challis Professor Wojciech Sadurski was an incredible opportunity. It permitted us to explore the fundamental underpinnings of our legal system in a relevant cultural context that enhanced class discussion and as a result our understanding of course materials. Professor Sadurski also organised a distinguished Italian Professor to visit and provide a lecture on his area of expertise. There was also opportunity for us to visit some significant sites and experience German culture with our Sydney Law School classmates."
"By combining lectures, site visits and cultural exchanges, the offshore unit emphasises that our personal experiences are highly valuable in understanding classroom content. It’s one thing to learn about constitutionalism in the safety of our lecture theatre. But nothing will replace the feeling of walking through a bhanda (strike), where lines of police behind barbed wire try to contain a march of hundred of women demanding their voice on the eve of the deadline for the constitution on 21 January."