Foreword by Richard Gye, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

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IN PLANNING the celebrations for the centenary of the Medical School, Faculty agreed that an appropriate commemorative book should be published. An Editoral Committee was established under the Chairmanship of Professor John Young. The members of the Committee were carefully selected from a group of people who have maintained a special interest in the history of the Faculty and the Medical School. Initially, no funds were available but there was much energy and enthusiasm. Clearly, an illustrated anecdotal brochure was inappropriate to the occasion and yet it was impossible to produce a definitive history in the time available. The committee members chose to produce this Centenary Book emphasizing some of the important historical events associated with the development of the Faculty and the Medical School, the University Departments and the Teaching Hospitals. They chose well. The Faculty was greatly encouraged by the excellent response of graduates to the offer of a pre-publication subscription, which made it possible to produce a book of high quality, both in content and in presentation.

There is much in this book for everyone—graduates and friends of the Faculty and the University. For me, to read the history of the development of the Faculty and the establishment of the Medical School engenders increasing admiration for the wisdom of our founders who, in times of great difficulty and uncertainty, had the vision and forbearance to establish the Medical School. These initiatives exhibited by our founders and the diligence and enthusiasm of their successors are surely the vital formula for greatness for all institutions. Professor Young, the members of the Editoral Committee and the many contributors are to be congratulated on producing a commemorative book that is a fitting tribute to our Medical School which is, in truth, the body corporate of men and women of past and present generations who have devoted their lives to the art and science of medicine.

Richard Gye, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Sydney, 23 March 1983

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