
17 August 2017

A policy powerhouse launches at University of Sydney

The University of Sydney has launched the Sydney Policy Lab with 14 projects aimed at addressing vital Australian and international policy issues. 

17 August 2017

Sydney sustainable energy expert joins new research Council

A University of Sydney sustainable energy expert has joined forces with the directors of Australia's major energy research institutes to form a new Energy Research Institutes Council for Australia (ERICA).

17 August 2017

Health leaders say we’re overdiagnosed and overtreated

Leading Australian clinicians, consumers and policy makers have launched a call to action to address the problems of overdiagnosis and related overtreatment.

17 August 2017

Why the definition of polycystic ovary syndrome harms women

The changed definition of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) harms women and brings no clear benefit, say Australian scientists in today's British Medical Journal.

17 August 2017

Objects of desire

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Challis Bequest Society, which acknowledges the people who make provision for the University in their wills. Bequests are made for many reasons. Tom Brown's bequest was born out of his great passion for archaeology.