Podcasts and videos

Podcasts and videos featuring the China Studies Centre

From Chinese art to politics and a variety of topics in-between, catch up on the latest talks produced by the China Studies Centre.

Past events highlights

The Dominant Class after 1978: Elite Persistence and the Ironies of Social Change

Between Dream and Nightmare in the Chinese Middle Class

The Peasant Class under the Impact of Industrialisation, Urbanisation, and Household Registration

More videos

By Dr Olivia Cheung (DPhil, Oxon), Research Fellow at the SOAS China Institute, SOAS University of London.
By Michael Pettis, finance professor at the Guanghua School of Peking University and Senior Fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center.
By Lee Jones is Professor of Political Economy and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London.
Shahar Hameiri is Associate Professor of International Politics and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland.
By Professor Astrid Nordin, the Lau Chair of Chinese International Relations in the Lau China Institute, King’s College London.
By Rana Mitter, Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China, and a Fellow of St Cross College at the University of Oxford.
By Dr Emily Williams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of China Studies at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou


Bookworm Series of seminars/webinars where CSC members present on their recently published research.

Ethnic Identities of the Kam People in Contemporary China

By Dr Wei Wang,  Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Chinese Studies at the University of Sydney

Employability and Career Development – A White Paper for Australian and Chinese Employability Professionals

By Dr Rachael Hains-Wesson, Associate Professor in Work-Integrated Learning and the Director of the University of Sydney Business School Work-Integrated Learning Hub.

Dr Kaiying Ji, lecturer in the Discipline of Accounting at the University of Sydney Business School.

Ballet diplomacy: Political agency in ballet adaptations of The White-Haired Girl

By Dr. Lintao Qi, lecturer of Translation Studies at Monash University

Travelling with Chinese Theatre Troupes in Southeast Asia: Mobility, Locality and Performativity of Chineseness

By Beiyu Zhang, affiliated with the School of International Studies/Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies at Jinan University, Guangzhou

Pushing the Boundaries: Assessing the Potential of Intersections between China’s Current National Self-image, Tianxia (‘all under heaven’) and the Traces of Confucian Morality and Aesthetics

By Paul Gladston, the inaugural Judith Neilson Chair Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of New South Wales, Sydney

Chinese Asianism: Discussions on China-Centred International Regionalism in the 1920s

By Craig A. Smith, Senior Lecturer of Translation Studies at the University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute

Chinese Heritage in the Indian Ocean : A Cultural Anthropological Perspective

By Xuefei Shi, postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-project TransOcean at Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway, and currently an affiliated researcher at the Department of Chinese Studies, USYD

What is South China Sea Buddhism

By Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Assistant Professor of History and Religious Studies at the National University of Singapore

What is the Chinese Language?

By Gina Anne Tam, Assistant Professor of Chinese history at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas