Funding opportunities

Learn more about the funding opportunities available to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students

From scholarships to reimbursement of research-related travel costs, a range of funding opportunities are available to help keep you afloat financially during your HDR studies with us.

There’s even emergency assistance available for times of unexpected financial distress.

Postgraduate Research Support Scheme

The University’s Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS) provides funding to assist eligible HDR students with certain essential expenses directly related to their research that are beyond those normally covered by their faculty or school. The funding categories are:

PRSS Eligibility requirements

You must be currently enrolled. If you are currently under an approved suspension but are scheduled to recommence your enrolment before the relevant funding round is allocated, you may apply during the research period immediately before your scheduled recommencement for funding to be allocated after your recommencement. If you are under examination, you are not eligible to apply for or receive funding.

You must not have completed more than the maximum allowable portion of your candidature, as set by your faculty or school, on the relevant application closing date.

You must complete your preliminary appraisal milestone if you are in your first year of candidature and have not yet completed your confirmation PEM. You will need to provide evidence of this even if it is not yet due in RECS.

You must meet all University and relevant faculty/school–specific eligibility requirements:

Maximums and limits

If you meet all applicable eligibility requirements for PRSS, you may be able to apply through your school or faculty for a maximum of $3500 per year across one or more of the funding categories listed.

You may apply for funding from more than one category, but you should submit only one application that includes the details of all funding categories you are applying for, as submitting multiple applications will cause processing delays.

If you are an eligible doctoral student, you may receive funding up to three times during your candidature. 

If you are an eligible master’s by research student, you may receive funding once during your candidature.

If you transfer from a master’s by research to a doctorate, the number of times you may receive funding will increase from one to three for the total period of your candidature (including any funding received during your master’s degree).

How to apply for PRSS

Applications dates change each year, with one round of funding offered early in the year and a later second round offered only where there are funds remaining for that year. Applications are accepted only for a four-week period for each round.

Applications are currently closed. Opening and closing dates will be listed here when next available.

Funding is available for research activities within the current calendar year. You can apply for funding in advance, for research activities yet to be undertaken within the current calendar year. You can also apply for funding retrospectively, for research activities already undertaken within the current calendar year. You cannot apply for funding for research activities undertaken in a previous calendar year, or due to be undertaken in a future calendar year.

Include all relevant receipts and invoices in your application as supporting evidence. Also include other relevant evidence, such as confirmation of your acceptance to present at a conference.

Ask your supervisor for any guidance you need about preparing your application, as this is part of your research training.

Ensure you have all relevant documentary evidence ready before you start your application, as you cannot submit additional documentation once applications have closed.

Before starting your application, ensure your preferred bank account details are correct in Sydney Student. Go to ‘My finance’, then ‘Your finances’, select ‘Bank details’ and review your stored details, updating as required. If your application is successful, this is where your awarded funds will be deposited. If your bank account details are incorrect or missing, this will cause significant delays in payment of your awarded funds.

Along with your personal and contact information, the application form will ask for:

  • your course start date and required thesis submission date
  • your lead supervisor’s name and email address
  • information about any scholarships you hold
  • details of the funds you are requesting
  • justification for the funds you are requesting
  • how the activity or equipment to be funded will contribute towards the completion of your degree
  • your research-related achievements to date.

In addition to your completed application form, you will need to submit:

  • a separate brief statement justifying the need for and planned use of the funds requested and outlining the benefits they will bring to your candidature
  • evidence of your research-related achievements to date to demonstrate satisfactory progress relative to opportunity and stage of candidature, such as publications submitted, accepted and/or published, conference presentations, internal reports and other scholarly activities
  • a letter or email of support from your supervisor
  • If you have not yet completed your Confirmation PEM, provide evidence of any preliminary appraisal activities, such as a supervisor-endorsed printout of milestone completion from RECS
  • any other supporting material as indicated in your faculty or school requirements

Combine all required documents ready for upload before you start your application.

Email the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC) for further guidance with the application process.

Applications are currently closed. When they next open, the application link for each faculty or school will appear here.

Your application will be assessed and ranked against the eligibility criteria by an academic committee in your faculty or school, and you will be informed of the outcome. This process takes several weeks.

If your application is successful, the funding awarded to you will be paid into your nominated bank account as listed in Sydney Student.

Faculty/school research support schemes

In addition to the University’s Postgraduate Research Support Scheme, the following faculties and schools also offer funding schemes to assist their own eligible HDR students with certain research-related expenses.

HDR Support Scheme

This is a funding scheme similar to the University’ Postgraduate Research Support Scheme. For more information, see the HDR Support Scheme Application Form (pdf, 168KB) or email the Architecture, Design and Planning Education Support team.

How to apply

Before applying for the HDR Support Scheme, you should apply for the University’s Postgraduate Research Support Scheme.

Applications for the HDR Support Scheme are open from 1 February to 27 October each year.

Complete the HDR Support Scheme Application Form (pdf, 168KB) (including Section 5: Supervisor Approval) and email it to the Architecture, Design and Planning Education Support team.

Doctoral Research Travel Grant Scheme

This scheme supports the faculty’s doctoral students to undertake primary research involving significant travel outside Sydney.

See the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Doctoral Research Travel Grant Scheme webpage for more information.

Each school within the faculty receives a limited yearly allowance with which to fund eligible:

  • research-related travel
  • publication expenses
  • lab consumables and other research-related expenses

Each school chooses how to administer its available funding. For details, select your school from the list below.

School of Psychology research support

For information about research support for School of Psychology HDR students, see the School of Psychology HDR Canvas site.

Travel-related funding

If your research requires you to travel within Australia or overseas, such as to conduct fieldwork, present at or attend a conference, there may be funding available to help cover your associated costs.

Before applying for travel-related funding, ensure you have met all administrative and other requirements as outlined under research-related travel.

The Postgraduate Research Support Scheme provides funding for national and international research-related travel, fieldwork and conference attendance.

The University offers Grants-in-aid to support eligible domestic HDR students to undertake short-term periods of research fieldwork overseas. They do not support conference attendance.

A range of Research overseas scholarships is available to support research undertaken outside Australia, including overseas fieldwork and conference presentations.

Some faculty/school research support also provides for certain research-related travel expenses.

Emergency assistance

If you experience emergency-related or other short-term financial difficulties that affect your HDR studies, you may be eligible to apply for financial assistance from the University.

Such assistance includes bursaries, interest-free loans and financial support vouchers to assist with essential living and study costs.

If you are experiencing ongoing financial hardship, see the Financial support webpage for further information, or seek advice from the Financial Rights Legal Centre or MoneySmart

  • textbooks, readers and journals
  • laptops and other IT equipment
  • bond and rent payments
  • phone, electricity and gas bills
  • medical and dental bills
  • travel and accommodation costs for compulsory placements
  • childcare arrangements during peak periods

Financial assistance will not be provided for:

  • payment of HECS or tuition fees
  • payment of compulsory subscriptions
  • purchase of vehicles
  • holidays
  • financial penalties such as traffic or library fines
  • non-essential expenses