Students talking around a laptop


Help us communicate the importance of eye research
One of the most important things that our patients and friends can do is to help us to raise awareness about the critical need for eye research.

Why it's important

In Australia, around 125 babies are born blind and 1600 with significant vision impairment each year. Many more develop eye diseases as they age, and at some point almost all of us are affected.

The work we do in finding new ways to preserve and restore vision has long term implications, not just for the individuals and families affected, but for communities and the economy as a whole.

Funding of eye research is inadequate given its impact and prevalence. 

What you can do

We encourage you to:

  • write to the Minister for Health and Medical Research to share your story and to express your strong support of eye research
  • email or write to your local member of parliament to share your story and to express your strong support of eye research;
  • email or write to your local newspaper to highlight the impact of eye disease and to encourage other people in the community to join the fight for sight.

Thank you for your support.

Save Sight Institute

  • +61 2 9382 7300 (clinic)
  • South Block, Sydney Eye Hospital 8 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000