Sydney Precision Data Science Centre

Extracting insight from the data deluge

We are a world-leading precision data discovery centre that facilitates data decision making in the areas of health and wellbeing, food sciences, conservation, and biomedicine.

The Sydney Precision Data Science Centre aims to realise the University's collective research potential, make ground-breaking foundational discoveries using data-intensive science, and answer the complex  challenges in biology, medicine and global health. 

The purpose of the Sydney Precision Data Science Centre is to engage in high quality and transformational multidisciplinary research and to provide a research hub to all interdisciplinary researchers in data-intensive science.

We generate innovative, fit-for-purpose applied analytical methodologies that are critical to knowledge discovery through the deep integration of various quantitative disciplines and research paradigms.

News and Events


  • Congratulations to our honours student Sanghyun (Sam) Kim for being awarded the George Allen Scholarship in Data Science! Sam will be recognized for this at the School of Maths & Stats prize night. 
  • We are delighted to announce that PhD Student Andy Tran received the Faculty of Science - Dean’s Award for Citizenship and Outreach. Andy’s received the award for his coordination and involvement in mathematical outreach activities for high school students.
  • Research Leader A/Prof Pengyi Yang was successful in an application for a USyd-NUS Partnership Collaboration Award with a project titled "Towards generating dopaminergic neuron containing stem cell-derived brain organoids".


  • Research Leader Dr Clara Grazian received the Rewarding Research Success grant from the University of Sydney for developing artificial intelligence tools to examine and visualise trends and factors associated with child undernutrition in Indonesia.
  • Our mid-year honours students gave their final presentations. Congratulations to all of them for reaching this exciting milestone!
  • PhD student Farhan Ameen won the BioC2024 Sticker Design Contest with a design inspired by the Grand Rapids city logo.