
Alumni brothers crack Forbes list

26 August 2019 -
Alumni brothers crack Forbes list. 26 August 2019. The Fergusons made this year's 'Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia'. Brothers James and Robbie Ferguson have been recognised for their successful start-up, Fuel Games, which produces innovative eSports games.

Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed

27 July 2020 -
Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed. 21 July 2020. The creatures' varied diet complicates scientists' ability to age them. This makes plans for the management of this invasive species more difficult. A juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish

The science of cannabis and driving

22 October 2019 -
Are medicinal cannabis users safe to drive? More research from University of Sydney's Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics.

Centralised social networks potentially hinder innovation

25 January 2024 -
Social systems where influence is centred around one or two individuals can lead to pack mentality and group think in farming communities, according to new research.

What helps rescued wildlife stay alive?

1 June 2022 -
What helps rescued wildlife stay alive? 23 March 2022. Human activity decreases survival rates, metanalysis finds. Five factors, including human activity such as road accidents, affect the survival of injured or displaced wildlife, a comprehensive

Should Australia ban petrol cars?

13 August 2021 -
Should Australia ban petrol cars? 7 February 2020. "A necessary step towards a zero-carbon economy". Britain has announced it will ban petrol and hybrid cars by 2035. University of Sydney experts comment on whether Australia can and should adopt a

2017 news - Brain and Mind Centre

27 September 2022 -
Latest news from the Brain and Mind Centre in 2017.

State of the Environment: the findings

19 July 2022 -
State of the Environment: report findings. 19 July 2022. Australia's environment is deteriorating, finds a landmark five-yearly report co-authored by Professor Emma Johnston. The number of Australia's threatened species rose eight percent since 2016

Sanne Mestrom’s sculptures invite play

8 November 2022 -
The Art Gallery of New South Wales has acquired a work by Dr Sanné Mestrom, from Sydney College of the Arts, which repositions sculpture as art for play. The Offering will be exhibited in one of the garden spaces of the Gallery’s new building,

Why study environmental science at Sydney

4 July 2023 -
Find out how our postgraduate course in environmental science is a launch pad into a leadership role in the environmental sector.