
Faculty of Engineering Research Scholarship

A postgraduate research scholarship
This scholarship was established to encourage and support outstanding higher degree research students at the Faculty of Engineering.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (for up to 3.5 years)
  • Full-time PhD or master's by research student at the Faculty of Engineering
Ongoing Ongoing

How to apply

Engineering HDR students applying for admission will automatically be considered for this scholarship. A separate application is not required.

Note: The award of this scholarship is subject to funding availability.


The Scholarship will provide a stipend allowance equivalent to the University of Sydney’s RTP stipend rate (indexed on 1 January each year).

Academic course fees and the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) are also provided for a successful international recipient.

Stipend allowance duration:

  • Up to 1 year for a Master’s by Research recipient (full-time equivalent). No possible extension.
  • Up to 3.5 years for a PhD recipient (full-time equivalent). No possible extension.

Academic course fees and SSAF duration:

  • Up to four research periods for a Master’s by Research recipient (full-time equivalent). No possible extension.
  • Up to fourteen research periods for a PhD recipient (full-time equivalent). No possible extension.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • have an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a PhD program or an unconditional offer of admission for full-time enrolment in a Master’s by Research program with the intent to transfer to PhD after satisfactory completion of the first annual progress evaluation within the Faculty of Engineering
  • withdraw applications for the University of Sydney Research Training Program (RTP) scholarships, including any RTP Stipend, or RTP Tuition Fee Offset (international students only).


The Faculty of Engineering Research Scholarship (ERS) has been established to encourage and support outstanding higher degree research (HDR) students within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney.

The scholarships may be fully funded by the Faculty of Engineering or co-funded by external research grants or industry-funded research projects.