
Kenneth Reed Postgraduate Research Scholarship in English

A postgraduate research scholarship in English studies
This scholarship supports PhD students in the Department of English to undertake research in the field of English literature.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$28,000 p.a. (for 3 years) or $14,000 p.a. (for 6 years)
  • Domestic student or New Zealand citizen
  • PhD student in English

How to apply

No application required. Apply for a Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship to be considered for this scholarship.

Find out more information on RTP scholarships for domestic and international students.


This scholarship is valued at the following rate, subject to satisfactory academic performance:

  • $28,000 per year for up to three years for full-time students
  • $14,000 per year for up to six years for part-time students.

The recipient may apply for an extension of up to six months.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen
  • be starting or currently enrolled in a full-time studies PhD in English, School of Art, Communication and English
  • undertake research in the field of English literature
  • hold an honours degree (first class or second class upper) or a master's degree in a related field with a substantial research component, or equivalent
  • not be studying a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed PhD
  • apply for the University of Sydney Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship

Note: Part-time studies may be approved if you are able to demonstrate significant caring commitments or medical condition(s) which limit your capacity to undertake full-time study.


This scholarship was established in 2013 from a gift from Kenneth Reed.

1. Background

a. An opportunity is available for an outstanding PhD scholar to conduct research in the area of English Literature.

b. This Scholarship was established in 2013 by a gift from Kenneth Reed.

2. Eligibility

a. The Scholarship is offered subject to applicants having an unconditional offer of admission or being currently enrolled full-time in a PhD in English within the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

b. Applicants must undertake research in the field of English Literature.

c. Applicants must hold either:

I. an Honours degree (First Class or Second Class upper),
II. a Master's degree in a related field with a substantial research component, or
III. an equivalent degree.

d. Applicants must not have completed a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature.

e. Applicants must be an Australian Citizen, New Zealand Citizen, or Australian Permanent Resident.

f. To apply for this Scholarship, applicants must apply for the University of Sydney Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship.

g. The Chair of Art, Communication and English may approve part-time studies where a recipient is able to demonstrate significant caring commitments or medical condition(s) which limits the capacity of a recipient to undertake full-time study.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship based on their application for the University of Sydney RTP Stipend Scholarship.

b. The successful applicant will be awarded the Scholarship by the Head of School, School of Art, Communication and English or their nominated delegate(s) on the recommendation of a selection committee. The selection committee will consist of the:

I. Chair of English, and
II. Higher Degree Research Coordinator in English.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship will provide for a full-time enrolled recipient, a stipend allowance of $28,000 per annum for up to three years, subject to satisfactory academic performance. The recipient may apply for an extension of up to 6 months.

b. If a part-time enrolled student is approved to hold the scholarship on a part-time basis, the Scholarship will provide them with a stipend allowance of $14,000 per annum for up to six years, subject to satisfactory academic performance. The recipient may apply for an extension of up to one year.

c. The Scholarship is for commencement in relevant research period in which it is offered for and cannot be deferred without prior approval of the Head of School, School of Art, Communication and English.

d. The Scholarship cannot be transferred to another area of research.

e. No other amount is payable.

f. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funding.

5. Eligibility for Progression

a. Progression is subject to attending and passing the annual progress evaluation.

6. Leave Arrangements

a. The Scholarship recipient receives up to 20 working days recreation leave each year of the Scholarship and this may be accrued. However, the student will forfeit any unused leave remaining when the Scholarship is terminated or complete. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading and the supervisor's agreement must be obtained before leave is taken.

b. The Scholarship recipient may take up to 10 working days sick leave each year of the Scholarship and this may be accrued over the tenure of the Scholarship. Students with family responsibilities, caring for sick children or relatives, or experiencing domestic violence, may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carers leave on presentation of medical certificate(s). Students taking sick leave must inform their supervisor as soon as practicable.

7. Research Overseas

a. The Scholarship recipient may not normally conduct research overseas within the first six months of award.

b. The Scholarship holder may conduct up to 12 months of their research outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student's supervisor, Head of School and the Faculty via application to the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC), and will only be granted if the research is essential for completion of the degree. All periods of overseas research are cumulative and will be counted towards a student's candidature. Students must remain enrolled full-time at the University and receive approval to count time away.

8. Suspension

a. The Scholarship recipient cannot suspend their award within their first six months of study, unless a legislative provision applies.

b. The Scholarship recipient may apply for up to 12 months suspension of Scholarships for any reason during the tenure of their Scholarship. Periods of Scholarships suspension are cumulative and failure to resume study after suspension will result in the award being terminated. Approval must be sought from the student's supervisor, Head of School and the Faculty via application to the Higher Degree by Research Administration Centre (HDRAC). Periods of study towards the degree during suspension of the Scholarship will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the Scholarship.

9. Changes in Enrolment

a. The Scholarship recipient must notify HDRAC and their supervisor promptly of any planned changes to their enrolment including but not limited to: attendance pattern, suspension, leave of absence, withdrawal, course transfer, and candidature upgrade or downgrade. If the award holder does not provide notice of the changes identified above, the University may require repayment of any overpaid stipend.

10. Termination

a. The Scholarship will terminate:

I. on resignation or withdrawal of the recipient from their research degree,
II. upon the recipient having completed the maximum candidature for their degree as per the University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011 Policy,
III. upon submission of the thesis or at the end of the award,
IV. if the recipient ceases to be a full-time student and prior approval has not been obtained from the Head of School, School of Art, Communication and English to hold the Scholarship on a part-time basis,
V. if the recipient accepts an alternative primary stipend scholarship. In such circumstances this Scholarship will be terminated in favour of the alternative primary stipend scholarship where it is of higher value,
VI. if the recipient does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave, or
VII. if the recipient ceases to meet the eligibility requirements specified for this Scholarship, (other than during a period in which the Scholarship has been suspended or during a period of approved leave).

b. The Scholarship may also be terminated by the University before this time if, in the opinion of the University:

I. the course of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the terms of this offer,
II. the student fails to maintain satisfactory progress, or
III. the student has committed misconduct or other inappropriate conduct.

c. Stipend payments will be suspended throughout the duration of any enquiry/appeal process.

d. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error.

11. Misconduct

a. Where during the Scholarship a student engages in misconduct, or other inappropriate conduct (either during the Scholarship or in connection with the student’s application and eligibility for the Scholarship), which in the opinion of the University warrants recovery of funds provided, the University may require the student to repay payments made in connection with the Scholarship. Examples of such conduct include and without limitation; academic dishonesty, research misconduct within the meaning of the Research Code of Conduct (for example, plagiarism in proposing, carrying out or reporting the results of research, or failure to declare or manage a serious conflict of interests), breach of the Code of Conduct for Students and misrepresentation in the application materials or other documentation associated with the Scholarship.

b. The University may require such repayment at any time during or after the Scholarship period. In addition, by accepting this Scholarship, the student consents to all aspects of any investigation into misconduct in connection with this Scholarship being disclosed by the University to the funding body and/or any relevant professional body.

12. Acknowledgement

a. The Scholarship recipient shall acknowledge the donor of the funds in any publication arising out of their research.