Particle Physics Group

Probing the fundamental building blocks of the universe
Our research group is exploring the world of subatomic particles. Learn more about our work and collaboration opportunities.

Particle Physics (also known as High-Energy Physics) involves the study of the subatomic world by observing the collisions and decays of particles produced either naturally (for example as in cosmic rays) or using accelerators. Our group is currently involved both in experimental and theoretical particle physics research.

We share a close overlap, and some members, with the Astroparticle Physics group which is also in the School of Physics. We are also a member of the Sydney Consortium for Particle Physics and Cosmology (Sydney-CPPC), along with the University of New South Wales.

Our aims

Our areas of research include precision tests of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, searches for physics beyond the Standard Model using top and bottom quarks, studies of CP violation, and searches for dark matter. We also conduct theoretical research into beyond-Standard-Model physics and gravitation.

Our research

Our areas of focus include the following international experiments:


There is scope for research leading to PhD and MPhil degrees in these areas. Most of this research involves data taken at accelerators overseas - in particular the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN, near Geneva and the Japanese High Energy Accelerator Research Organisaton, KEK, at Tsukuba.

Visit our website to learn more about these research opportunities.