Two researchers making tweaks to a machine used for physics experimentation


Investigating existence from the subatomic to the universal
Our collective research interests reach beyond traditional physics and pioneer new ways of thinking and innovative approaches.

The quality of the School of Physics research is recognised through our leadership in national and international research programs, including Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council Centres of Excellence.

In addition, prominent domestic and international collaborations with researchers in the United States, Europe and Asia, funded through multi-year competitive awards, present a range of invaluable research opportunities.

You can also be involved in nanoscience research projects being undertaken at the Sydney Nanoscience Hub, headquarters of Sydney Nano.

Research strengths

We are renowned in Australia and internationally for our high-profile research initiatives, which include:

  • major programs in astrophysics and space physics, including University-operated telescopes and links with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
  • leading international projects in both experimental and theoretical quantum physics, including opportunities in quantum computing through our new partnership with Microsoft Research
  • large-scale research into photonics and optical science for next-generation communications technology
  • interdisciplinary research in biological and medical physics, spanning computational physics, condensed matter and materials science, brain dynamics and clinical applications
  • including studying the nature of the Higgs boson and dark matter.

Astronomy and Space Physics


We are a leader in big data science with local and national supercomputing resources supporting simulations of cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution.

Space and solar physics

Space physics is essential for understanding humanity's local environment and solar system. Our research is exploring space physics phenomena, radio emissions, wave-particle interactions, instruments and missions.


Our research uses photonic techniques and devices to improve the light collection and processing, ultimately enabling us to observe and understand the universe.

Condensed Matter Theory

Our research team seeks to acquire a detailed understanding of condensed matter to design complex materials such as catalysts with greater selectivity and efficiency, or new electronic devices.

Medical and Applied Physics

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Our research aims to develop applications for environmental and broader sustainability issues, bringing together expertise in environmental sciences, economics, technology and social science.

Optics and Photonics

Particle and Cosmology