We provide high quality biopsy and necropsy services to the veterinary profession, servicing the University Veterinary Hospitals and large and small private practices.
We offer a service that entails a strong review process, with all specimens being reviewed by multiple pathologists, and a personalised interaction with the veterinarian.
Our pathologists are readily available for comment on individual cases and can help veterinarians bring their clinical research to publication standard.
In addition, we offer a high quality reliable service to researchers in histopathological specimen processing, immunohistochemistry, and processing of unusual specimens.
Our highly skilled technical staff are available for consultation about unusual or difficult specimens.
Service to researchers
histopathological specimen processing
laboratory animal haematology
serum biochemistry
processing of unusual specimens
Sending tissue through the post:
The Clinical Pathology Lab is equipped to carry out diagnostic haematology, biochemistry, microbiology and cytology.
The lab predominantly services the UVTH-Sydney, running routine diagnostic tests on companion animals.
Clinical Pathology is also in a position to offer research groups, from the University and external institutions, biochemistry and haematology on its state of the art analysers.
This service is available for lab animals and wildlife on request.
For enquiries regarding specimen collection contact the Lab Manager.
The Molecular Diagnostics section performs pathogen detection using a wide range of sensitive molecular diagnostic methods, including:
Test development draws on the diverse expertise of our pathobiology research group, who not only have expertise in the laboratory setting, but have backgrounds in management of the species involved.
This ensures results are interpreted by leaders in the field, with a deep understanding of the test, the pathogen it is detecting, and its impact on animal management.
Our greatest expertise lies in detection of pathogens associated with companion animal and wildlife species, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss development of new assays for support of animal management or research in these specialist areas.
Real-time PCR Panel – Avian Pathogens brochure (pdf, 365KB)
Feline Infectious Peritonitis Diagnosis IFA and IHC tests (pdf, 302KB)
Real-time PCR Panel - Small Animal Faecal Pathogens (pdf, 180KB)
Available tests
Test Category | Test Name |
Immunofluorescence | FCoV (FIPV) (cytospin/effusion) FeLV (EDTA blood) FIV (EDTA blood) |
Immunohistochemistry (FFPE tissue) | Chlamydia FCoV (FIPV) Feline Calicivirus Feline Herpes Virus Toxoplasma* |
Real-time PCR (swab/tissue) | Chlamydia pecorum Chlamydia pneumoniae Chlamydia genus |
PCR and sequencing* | Bacterial ID 16s Fungal ID 18s |
Serology (serum) | Cryptococcus Ag LCAT Cryptococcus Ag lateral flow ELISA |
Faecal protozoal detection* | Cryptosporidium, Giardia, T. fetus (culture and immunofluorescence) T. fetus (culture) |
Associated Profiles | Koala Chlamydia PCR (ocular and urogenital swabs, C. pecorum and C.pneumoniae) Koala screening (Koala Chlamydial PCR, Cryptococcus Ag ELISA) Koala Health Profile (FBC and biochemistry) |
Note: For tests marked *, contact lab before submission
Section Head: Dr Damien Higgins
The Diagnostic Parasitology section is responsible for the detection and identification of external and internal parasites from a diverse animal hosts, these include pet, pocket, exotic as well domestic and wild animal species.
We receive variety of materials and specimens, including faecal samples, aspirates, skin scrapings, sticky tapes as well as presumed parasites for identification.
We use traditional processing methods as well as immunological assays for increased sensitivity and specificity.
The laboratory’s responsibilities are processing and analysing of the received samples, and reporting results based on routine methods.
On demand, the laboratory develops new methods or we adopt existing methods based on the client requirements, under these circumstances we will conduct quality control to assure quality results.
Section head: Professor Jan Slapeta
Routine tests:
Direct Smear (all animal species, a fresh specimen required)
Faecal Flotation (NaCl solution, other solutions on demand; all animal species)
McMaster Faecal Egg Counts (all species)
Baermann test for lungworms (all animal species)
Sedimentation techniques (qualitative & quantitative; all animal species)
Direct Fluorescence Test for Cryptosporidium and Giradia
- all mammalian species; only experimental for birds, reptiles and fish
On demand tests
On demand parasitological examinations and development usually include molecular methods such as PCR and immunodiagnostic tests.
The laboratory is equipped to adopt and develop published methods or design new based on the needs of the clients.
Using these activities the laboratory participates in field investigations leading to better understanding of parasite epidemiology.
Turnaround time of routine test is usually 24 hours of sample receipt.
Turnaround time for ‘on demand’ diagnostics varies and is usually discussed with the client to meet their needs and capability of the laboratory.
New Client Request Form (pdf, 72KB)
VPDSS Research Request Sheet (Biochemistry & Haematology) (pdf, 31KB)
VPDS Request Form Histology / Immunohistology (pdf, 21KB)