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Student elections

Faculty and University School elections

Faculty student members

The University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016 stipulates that for each faculty, there will be at least 10 elected student members. Elections to the Faculty are conducted in accordance with the Elections Policy 2022.

The allocation of each faculty is set out below:

Faculty Allocation 2024 elected students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • 4 Undergraduate
  • 3 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 3 Higher Degree by Research


  • Gian Ellis-Gannell
  • Ethan Floyd
  • Dustin Dao
  • Ben Cullen

Postgraduate Coursework

  • John Mcmanus
  • Sunny
  • 1 vacant position

Higher Degree by Research

  • Mujahid Torwali
  • 2 vacant positions
University of Sydney Business School
  • 4 Undergraduate
  • 4 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 4 Higher Degree by Research


  • Yangling (Ella) Ye
  • Lara Proctor
  • Xixi Zhang
  • Bowen Ren

Postgraduate Coursework

  • Yongle Cheng
  • Srimayi Kruthiventi
  • Ishu Goyal
  • 1 vacant position

Higher Degree by Research

  • 4 vacant positions
Faculty of Engineering
  • 6 Undergraduate
  • 2 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 2 Higher Degree by Research


  • Nathan Teh
  • Tashfin Hossain
  • 4 vacant positions

Postgraduate Coursework

  • Amanveer Bagga
  • Colin Zuehlke

Higher Degree by Research

  • Zhejun Xu
  • 1 vacant position
Medicine and Health
  • 6 Undergraduate
  • 4 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 4 Higher Degree by Research


  • Veronica O'Mara
  • Abinayan Peter
  • Janine Ramos
  • Sonja Vujanic
  • Jessica Ip
  • Khanh Nguyen

Postgraduate Coursework

  • Federica Cazzola
  • Alan Mann
  • Jaxon Keogh
  • Joanna Grizaard

Higher Degree by Research

  • Prisca Akpabio
  • Hope Tanudisastro
  • Jess Nikolovski
  • Sandy  Simon 
Faculty of Science
  • 5 Undergraduate
  • 2 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 3 Higher Degree by Research


  • Brendan Chow
  • Dani Christelis
  • Imogen Duveck-Steele
  • Aniket Sinha
  • Eevee Zhou

Postgraduate Coursework

  • 2 vacant positions

Higher Degree by Research

  • Nicholas Koen
  • 2 vacant positions

University school student members

The University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016 stipulates that for each University school, there will be at least four elected student members. Elections to the University School are conducted in accordance with the Elections Policy 2022.

The standard allocation of each University school is set out below:

University school Allocation 2024 elected students
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
  • 2 Undergraduate
  • 1 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 1 Higher Degree by Research


  • 2 vacant positions

Postgraduate Coursework

  • 1 vacant position

Higher Degree by Research

  • 1 vacant position
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • 2 Undergraduate
  • 1 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 1 Higher Degree by Research


  • 2 vacant positions

Postgraduate Coursework

  • Jinyi Li

Higher Degree by Research

  • 1 vacant position
Sydney Law School
  • 1 Undergraduate
  • 2 Postgraduate Coursework
  • 1 Higher Degree by Research


  • 1 vacant position

Postgraduate Coursework

  • Siyu Li
  • Jack Gibson

Higher Degree by Research

  • 1 vacant position

Election process

The University Governance Office conducts student elections for faculties and University schools annually. A notice of election has been posted on the University Noticeboard (pdf, 174KB) to notify students of the election.

If at the close of nominations there are an equal number or fewer nominees than positions available, the nominees will be declared elected unopposed. If more nominees are received than positions available in any election, that election will proceed to a ballot.

Last updated: 15 August 2024

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