Contact us

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week for emergency veterinary care.
Call our clinic to book routine appointments and specialist services.


 (02) 9351 3437 to make a booking or for emergencies.


Other veterinarians are welcome to refer a case.

Opening hours

General practice appointments

Day Time
Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday Emergencies only

Referral appointments

Day Time
Monday - Friday
9am - 3:30pm

Fax: (02) 9351 7436

We are currently accepting appointments exclusively over the phone. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you in scheduling a convenient time for your pet's visit. Give us a call now to ensure they receive the exceptional care they deserve. Your pet's health is our top priority! We are a strictly appointment only practice unless in the case of an emergency.


Emergency open 24/7

Emergency cases do not require an appointment. The emergency service operates on a triage system. This is to ensure priority is given to the most serious conditions.

Final year veterinary students participate in consultations with our emergency veterinarians.

Unfortunately, the UVTHS cannot offer veterinary advice or provide answers to specific medical questions about animals that are not under our care. Telephone advice is available for referring veterinarians. Members of the public with animal health related concerns are encouraged to contact their local veterinarian or the UVTHS for a professional consultation.


How to find us

Directions if approaching 'towards the city' along Parramatta Road.

Turn left into Ross St and do a U turn to return to Parramatta Rd. Turn right into Parramatta Road and immediately move to the left kerbside lane (Bus Lane). Travel 100 metres west of Ross Street and turn left into the gates leading to the hospital.

Directions if approaching 'away from the city' along Parramatta Road.

After passing under the footbridge and the Ross St entrance move to the left kerb lane (Bus Lane). Travel 100 metres west of Ross Street and turn left into the gates leading to the hospital.


Free parking is available for clients in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital carpark. Please note that parking in other areas within campus grounds i.e. in front of the JD Stewart and RMC Gunn Buildings, will attract parking fees. You will need to sign in your vehicle’s registration details in the parking logbook upon arrival at reception.