
Caring for your new puppy
Your puppy requires vaccinations to protect them against infectious diseases.

Vaccinations are important to keep your puppy, and other dogs, protected when going on walks. To gain immunity, your puppy will need a series of booster vaccinations every 2-4 weeks between 6-16 weeks of age. After this, they will need booster vaccinations every 12-months to 3-years, depending on the type of vaccine.

There are several types of vaccinations that your puppy will require throughout their life:

  • The Duramune C3 vaccine is a core vaccine that protects against Parvovirus, Canine Distemper and Canine Infectious Hepatitis (viral liver disease). Adult dogs require a booster every 3-years.
  • The Protech Bronchi-Shield III intra-nasal vaccine provides protection against Bordetella bronchiseptica and Parainfluenza virus (which make up the “canine cough complex”). Adult dogs require a booster every 12-months.
  • The Protech C2i vaccine protects against Leptospirosis. We recommend this vaccine if you live or walk your dog in high risk areas (access to standing water and exposure to rats, more prevalent in north-eastern NSW and inner Sydney). Your puppy will require one booster after 2-4 weeks, and then a booster every 12-months (if you are unsure if your puppy needs this vaccine, you should discuss this with your veterinarian).

Infectious diseases can be picked up through direct contact with infected dogs, or through contact with infected environments. Your puppy should not be walked in public areas until 10-14 days following their final vaccination to ensure their immunity.

We recommend the following vaccination schedule for your puppy:

Age Vaccination
6-8 weeks 1st vaccination, C3 vaccine
10-12 weeks 2nd vaccination, C3 + Bronchi-Shield III vaccines
14-16 weeks 3rd vaccination, C3 vaccine
16 weeks of age (if 3rd vaccination given at 14-weeks of age) 4th vaccination, C3 vaccine

We recommend giving a C3 booster to your puppy at 6-months of age to ensure complete protection. After this, they will need a C3 booster every 3-years. Your puppy will need their first Bronchi-Shield III annual booster at 15-months of age, with a booster needed every 12-months.