High-rise towers of Parramatta city CBD in Sydney WEst - aerial view towards city CBD.

Western Sydney Strategy

Sydney’s centre of gravity is shifting west
Our vision is to capitalise on a once-in-a-century opportunity to create an economic, intellectual, social and cultural asset in the heart of greater Sydney.

Growing our presence in Western Sydney is a strategic priority for the University, investing in and building from our long-standing presence in Western Sydney and responding to the changing economic, demographic and geographic landscape of our city.

Our commitment to expand in Western Sydney will support key aspirations in our 2032 Strategy, including how we deliver transformational education, how our research tackles the greatest challenges and contributes to the common good, and how we build a more diverse and inclusive community of students and staff.

Why Western Sydney?

Sydney’s centre of gravity is shifting west. By 2050, more than 4 million people will live in Western Sydney. The NSW Government’s ambitions for Sydney to become a metropolis of three cities will mean Sydney’s second CBD in Parramatta will continue to expand. More broadly, the industrial and commercial landscape in Western Sydney is shifting with the emergence of high-growth sectors expected to bring knowledge-based jobs and demand for education and training.

As the population grows, and as educational attainment levels increase in these areas, we will have access to an increasing number of high-quality students. The growth in industry, commercial and public sector representation in the area will provide increased opportunities for education and research partnerships.

Investment by the NSW and federal governments in major economic and social infrastructure will underpin population growth and create the conditions for employment and income growth.

Map showing Sydney's three cities: Central River City, Western Parkland City and Eastern Harbour City.

Central River City

We are continuing to build on 40 years of University collaboration at the Westmead Health Precinct, with the recent opening of the Central Acute Services Building (CASB) and Innovation Centre. This is part of the University’s $500 million commitment to invest in the future of Western Sydney and our vision for the future of health care, education and research, and will deliver a new sense of community for Westmead students. In December 2020, the NSW Government and the University announced a new partnership agreement as part of the Cumberland Precinct Framework Deed, ensuring the University supports the Government’s early activities to progress land availability for an expanded University presence at Parramatta/Westmead.

Our vision is to capitalise on a once-in-a-century opportunity to create an economic, intellectual, social and cultural asset in the heart of greater Sydney. From an academic perspective, the new campus provides a unique way to explore new ways to research, teach and engage in partnership with Western Sydney’s communities and industries. Expanding our education offerings will provide new opportunities for skills development that progress our commitment to build a greater presence in this vibrant, diverse area at the heart of our city.

Western Parkland City

With medical, veterinary and agricultural facilities in Nepean, Camden and Cobbitty, we already have a deep and long-standing connection to Greater Western Sydney.

The University’s vision for the Western Parkland City is to create innovative partnerships at the new airport and develop the curriculum to help close the skills gap and develop a future talent pipeline.

We are looking at long-term academic opportunities and industry co-investment in the Aerotropolis to support the creation of 200,000 high-tech jobs in the fields of advanced manufacturing, defence, logistics, agribusiness, health and education. The University will continue to work with government and industry to pursue academic and development opportunities around these themes.

How is work progressing?

Our Western Sydney Strategy will see continued investment in a positive learning and lifestyle experience and supporting viable student growth in the area, attracting high potential students and staff.

By increasing opportunities for collaboration and a large scale on-campus presence with industry and the community, we will improve the University’s research and teaching performance, our reputation, and be able to implement successful transformative initiatives across all campuses.

We are starting that journey by increasing our education offerings in Western Sydney in the coming years.