

31 October 2022

10 best horror movies for a spooky Halloween

Associate Professor Bruce Isaacs, senior lecturer in film, shares his love of Halloween and the classic horror movies that are required viewing on the spookiest night of the year.
28 October 2022

Professor Anika Gauja appointed ARC Executive Director

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has appointed Professor Anika Gauja as Executive Director for Economic, Social and Behavioural Sciences.
28 October 2022

Daniel Peltz announced as Artist in Residence

Daniel Peltz has been appointed to undertake an academic exchange supported by the prestigious Gilbert Fellowship from the Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre and Sydney Environment Institute through the Sydney College of the Arts.
18 October 2022

New ArtSS Career Ready Industry Project launched

Students interested in boosting their problem-solving skills and employability can now apply for the new Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ 2023 ArtSS Career Ready Industry Project.
14 October 2022

University of Sydney joins the Rainbow City

The University of Sydney will showcase a night-time rainbow mural in celebration of the Sydney WorldPride 2023 festival at the Footbridge Gallery at the Camperdown campus.