
NHMRC Investigator Grant Success

27 May 2020
Congratulations to MBI Researcher
MBI's Dr Justin Beardsley has been awarded an NHMRC Investigator Grant which will allow him to continue his research into disease burden of chronic pulmonary aspergillus in TB survivors and advance diagnosis and treatment.

Justin joined Marie Bashir Institute in early 2018, having completed five years working at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. His main research interests are fungal infections, and how they complicate other diseases. The multi-disciplinary approach taken to research at MBI is what attracted him to Sydney, and through seed grants and collaborations with colleagues from veterinary and agricultural backgrounds he got the pilot data he needed to win an NHMRC Investigator Grant.

Over the next five years he will continue to research the complex interactions between fungi, humans, animals, and the environment and how they impact human health, especially with relation to tuberculosis and anti-fungal resistance. Based primarily in Sydney, but spending extended periods in Vietnam, he will investigate this regional and global threat from a One Health perspective, working to understand the drivers of fungal infections and the best way to treat them.

Dr Justin Beardsley and his team on a field trip in Vietnam