If you want to become a legal practitioner, you must complete an accredited program of practical legal training once you finish your LLB or JD in order to receive admission as a legal practitioner. The information below also contains details on how to become a solicitor or barrister.
The Sydney University Law Society (SULS) provides a comprehensive overview of potential careers for Sydney Law School Graduates. Visit www.suls.org.au and select Careers.
In order to become a legal practitioner in New South Wales you satisfy the requirements of the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB).
Completion of the Sydney Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Juris Doctor (JD) will satisfy the academic requirements needed to apply for admission as a solicitor in New South Wales. Additional requirements must be met before a Law graduate can be admitted and practise as a lawyer in NSW. Please refer to our diagrammatic guide to admission to legal practice.
Further information on these requirements is available from The Legal Profession Admission Board.
If you intend to practise law in another State or overseas, you must consult the relevant professional body or equivalent to determine whether the Sydney LLB or JD is acceptable as a legal qualification. It is not the responsibility of the University of Sydney Law School to do so.
The College of Law Professional Program is an approved method of practical legal training enabling admission in New South Wales, and all other states and the territories, either directly or through the mutual recognition scheme.
The Professional Program helps you to develop practical, day-to-day skills you will need as an entry-level lawyer. It provides vocational legal education centred on a training partnership between the College, students and supervisors in the workplace.
Visit the Legal Profession Admission Board for information on when you can start your PLT.
The LACC website contains useful information and links on practical legal training, admissions and useful documents for all Australian jurisdictions.
A solicitor must meet the same requirements to be admitted as a legal practitioner and obtain the relevant certificate from The Law Society of NSW.
After admission as a legal practitioner, you must complete a further two years of restricted practice and undertake a practise management course approved by the Law Society before you can practise on your own account.
You must meet the requirements to be admitted as a legal practitioner and obtain the appropriate certificate from The New South Wales Bar Association. You must also take a Reading Program, consisting of qualifying examinations, a five-week full time Bar Practice Course and eleven months of reading.
This guide to accreditation and admission to legal practice outlines the primary steps from legal study to becoming a solicitor or barrister in New South Wales.
The Law Society of NSW helps law students and graduates find employment in the legal market. They also advertise Graduate Employment Programs and Summer Clerkship Schemes. All these positions are advertised through LegalVitae.
Visit the Careers Centre for more information on volunteer work and your rights as an intern.
If you are unsure of your career path following completion of your degree, you may like to contact the University of Sydney’s Careers Centre for further information on alternative careers.