Meg Miller at three different stages of her career

From Prairie to Antipodes: A life in ruins

Held on Thursday, 1 September 2022

Watch retired Professor of Classical Archaeology, Margaret Miller, as she provides a retrospective about her career in archaeology. 

Margaret Miller's archaeological odyssey began in Canada and led her, via the UK, USA and Greece, to The University of Sydney to take up the post of Arthur and Renee George Professor of Classical Archaeology in 2005. 

As a world-renowned expert on intercultural relations in the ancient world, Miller has published extensively on interactions between Greece and the Persian Empire and on the representation of ethnicity in Greek art. 

Miller's wide-ranging archaeological fieldwork most notably includes Co-Directorship of the Zagora Archaeological Project on the Greek island of Andros with its valuable insights into life in eighth-century BC Greece. 

You're in for a treat as Miller provides a retrospective presentation about her career! 

This lecture was presented in conjunction with The University of Sydney's School of Humanities

Header image: (LTR) Margaret Miller on fieldwork in Naukratis, Egypt, 1980; Margaret Miller excavating at Sardis, Turkey, 1983; Professor Margaret Miller on-site at Zagora, Greece, 2013. All images courtesy of Margaret Miller