There is little doubt that society must progressively transition to non-fossil-based energy, to address both the need to reduce carbon emissions and the finite supply of the fossil-fuel resource base. Energy storage is the missing technology that will enable us to move beyond the current paradigm of a centralised and immediately-used power generation, the associated large integrated grids, and the challenges arising from the need to incorporate the intermittency that is introduced by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.
Key activities of this program include designing and fabricating nanodomains of electroactive materials, using self-assembly and electrode patterning, with their subsequent interrogation at nanoscale resolution through in situ methods, leading to prototype devices.
This truly multidisciplinary research team comprises the following researchers: Professors Brendan Kennedy, Tony Vassallo, Yuan Chen, Chris Ling, as well as Associate Professors Tony Masters, Siggi Schmidt, and Andrew Minett.
This program led to the successful spin-off company Gelion Technologies Pty Ltd.