

29 September 2017

5 ways to learn more about mental health

By understanding more about mental health, we are better prepared to stay mentally fit, Dr Haley LaMonica explains.

29 September 2017

Adam Goodes receives honorary doctorate

Adam Goodes has received an honorary doctorate from the University of Sydney in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Australian society.

29 September 2017

Study health at the University of Sydney

Students from across our undergraduate health degrees give an insight into why they chose to study their degree, how university life is different to high school, and what a typical day as a uni student looks like.

29 September 2017

Here's how to Google for a new dentist

Finding a new dentist or therapist online can be confusing, but here's how to make that search easier, according to Dr Alexander Holden from the Faculty of Dentistry

28 September 2017

How should Australia respond to a major cyberattack?

Student teams tackle cyberattack scenarios and security policy at the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge - the first event of its kind in the region.

28 September 2017

Premature birth more likely if mum had a late-stage Caesarean

A Caesarean section delivery at full dilation may raise the risk of premature birth in a subsequent pregnancy, new research reveals.

28 September 2017

A hive of bee research activity

Ryan is passionate about his research into honey bees and the ecological impacts of air pollution.

28 September 2017

Crowdfunding to save 'uni 2 beyond' initiative

The University of Sydney's uni 2 beyond initiative has launched a crowdfunding campaign to save its award winning program for people with intellectual disabilities. 

28 September 2017

Aboriginal oral health care: double the services, half the cost

The latest Closing The Gap report reveals Australia's failure to meet Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health targets. Could a system engaging local communities inspire more effective ways to deliver much needed services?

27 September 2017

Explainer: How do kids develop food allergies?

Scientists and doctors are trying to understand food allergies better. How do people develop these allergies? Dr Lucinda Berglund, an expert in allergies and immunology at the University of Sydney, explains.