Volunteer for research study
Psychology and mental health
Psychology and mental health
Decision making and problem solving in teams
Elucidating the experience of disordered eating in adults with type 2 diabetes
Establishing the neural mechanisms of auditory-verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
Growing minds check in
Health and community care professionals: Share your experience of supporting people vulnerable to loneliness
How can we help workplaces to be mentally healthy places for Trans and Gender Diverse people with psychosocial disability?
Intoxication and victimisation: Investigating experiences within the criminal justice system
Measuring change in parenting programs
MyDietStudy - An Observational, Longitudinal, Psycho-Biological Study of Dieting in Young People
NeuroMusic Trial
Neurobiology Youth Follow-up Study: Establishing a longitudinal research database for the Youth Mental Health Population
New treatments for alcohol withdrawal
Psychology research participants needed
Study to evaluate the effectiveness of online programs for anxiety and/or drinking among young adults
The use of online communities by health professionals
Views, expectations, and potential impacts of stigma during lung cancer screening
livED - Be the voice of change for people living with eating disorders