Results that match 1 of 2 words

Study area_

Study agriculture and food - Faculty of Science

or sustain the world’s natural resources and biodiversity, studying animal- and crop-based agricultural science will give you the knowledge and skills you need to make it happen.

Guilt-free energy

9 May 2023 -
As with most green technologies, affordability is particularly key. Hydrogen is now mostly produced from natural gas (hydrogen created using fossil fuels is called ‘grey hydrogen’).
Current students_

Financial support

If you have been directly affected by a natural disaster and require financial support we encourage you to apply for a general bursary. ... You are eligible if you are enrolled at the University of Sydney, have been directly affected by a recent natural

How food choices can help the planet

31 May 2022 -
Better diets are those that are healthy and come from food systems which allow the natural environment to continue to produce food and regenerate,” she said. ... 60 percent expressed concern about the impacts of traditional livestock farming on the

Natural history collections - Chau Chak Wing Museum

William Sharp Macleay was a distinguished philosophical naturalist, consulted with by Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley for his ideas on the classification of the natural world. ... I shall take every opportunity of enlarging the Collection in all

Chinese Toggles: Culture in Miniature - Chau Chak Wing Museum

Friday April 28, 2023
Carved from a diverse range of natural materials to represent a variety of figures, plants, animals, and everyday objects, these splendid miniatures manifest Chinese culture and material values.
Current students_

Student cards

All photos must be in full, natural colour. Caps, hats, dark/tinted glasses should not be worn (religious headwear is accepted but it cannot cover your face).

Life in Sydney

Set around the world’s largest natural harbour, Sydney is home to beautiful golden beaches, world-class museums and art galleries, delicious fresh food, and a calendar of exciting events and ... festivals. Sydney is:. 1. Beautiful. Sydney's natural

Molecular innovations in health - Faculty of Science

Explore how molecular innovations are advancing health through the development of interventions tailored to address a wide range of diverse diseases.