Results that match 1 of 2 words


Communities and change - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Communities and change. Conducting community-centred research for social change. Developing the theory and practice of collaborative research with communities, including community-led approaches, participatory research and action research methods.

Digital Disruption Research Group

We look beyond the hype to see how digital technology is radically changing how we make sense of, give meaning to and understand our everyday lives.

Pathogen Emergence and Spread - Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute

Pathogen Emergence and Spread. Reducing future pandemic impacts. Pathogen emergence and spread pose an ever-present risk. Our researchers are using the most advanced tools to assist epidemic insight and disease control. Utilising advanced pathogen

Sport, Movement And Social & Human Development - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Sport, Movement And Social & Human Development. Research and collaboration into the business and development of sport. Bringing together cutting-edge research into sport and physical education to create new practices aimed at increasing well-being,