Strategy 2024-25

Igniting curiosity, fuelling innovation

We are more than educators and researchers; we are a community bound by curiosity, a passion for learning, and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

The Faculty of Science Strategy 2024-25 is not just a plan; it’s a call to action to collaborate, cultivate and empower the next generation of leaders and change-makers in the decades ahead.

Now, more than ever, science has a vital role to play in tackling the greatest challenges facing our society and our planet. To realise the aspirations in Sydney in 2032, we will collaborate with our partners and community, train and nurture our staff, and equip our students with the best science knowledge and skills. We will be nation-leading and recognised globally. Though this statement is bold, it is achievable because of the calibre of our people.

The Faculty of Science Strategy sets out key initiatives foundational to achieving the aspirations of the University of Sydney and realising this bold statement.

Science strategy 2024-25

Download the strategy (PDF, 42.MB)

Our aspirations and how we’ll achieve success

Deliver a supportive and modern learning environment where excellent teaching equips our diverse student cohort with the scientific reasoning and personal and professional attributes needed to tackle the world’s most significant challenges. This will go hand-in-hand with investing in the development of academic and professional staff who are essential to a transformational education experience.

Implement our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to build a more supportive environment that ensures all members of our diverse student and staff community feel welcome and respected. We will improve and increase our various diversity initiatives and programs, including undergraduate scholarships, stipends for higher degree by research (HDR) students, proactive talent searches and strategic hiring.

Drive scientific, industrial and societal impact by assembling teams equipped to understand and lead responses to the greatest challenges of our time: improving health and wellbeing, enabling a sustainable and resilient society, and innovating for tomorrow’s industries. We will encourage and support broad career pathways and opportunities for HRD students to enhance their skills and given them a competitive advantage.

Attract and cultivate the best minds by supporting staff and students through effective recruitment and retention, access to cutting-edge infrastructure, and improving how we partner. We will target investment to ensure our physical facilities across our diverse campuses allow us to do our best work.


Questions or comments on our strategy?
