Dangerous foods to cats

Protect your cat from eating dangerous foods

If you are worried that your cat has consumed something dangerous, please contact the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sydney on (02) 9351 3437 

We have a 24-hour emergency service ready to take your call.



Human medications should not be given to your cat unless directed by a veterinarian. Toxic drugs include Ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen), Paracetamol (e.g. Panadol), Antidepressants, and sleep medications, among others.

Raw meat and bones

Raw meat can carry Salmonella bacteria. Salmonellosis causes diarrhoea (sometimes bloody), vomiting, inappetence, fever etc. which can be life-theatening especially to kittens. Bones (raw or cooked) can cause gastrointestinal obstruction.