
Advanced case management for optimal patient care
With advanced techniques and monitoring, our specialised team prioritises patient care and pain management.

Our  anaesthesia department provides services for all areas of the hospital, anaesthetising animals for a variety of procedures. Some procedures utilised by the other services of the hospital require advanced anaesthesia techniques and sophisticated monitoring to provide the best possible patient care.

Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine students actively participate with anaesthesia staff in each phase of providing optimal care to our patients.

We also provide anaesthesia for routine procedures and consult within the hospital for the provision of analgesia for surgical and nonsurgical patients. The service is always happy to discuss anaesthesia and pain management related care with referring veterinarians.

Our philosophy is that no animal should be left in pain.

Management under anaesthesia

Our patients are monitored at all times through their entire procedure from preparation through to recovery where they are placed in a quiet, warm environment with heating provided as required.

It is the objective of the anaesthesia unit to provide the best possible management of all the animals which come into our care. We utilise a wide range of multiparameter monitoring equipment to assist us in this task, with more advanced monitoring used depending on the requirements of the patient.

Advanced techniques include neuromuscular blockade and loco-regional anaesthesia. We are also equipped with ventilators to allow mechanical ventilation of our patients when required.