
Thinking outside the box

Read the latest from our world-leading academics

07 December 2020

What might the changing incidence of Working from Home (WFH) tell us about Future Transport and Land Use Agendas

Professor David Hensher and Associate Professor Matthew Beck look at some of the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the way we travel and work, and how these changes might be taken advantage of for economic, social and environmental benefit.
02 November 2020

“Personalised Analytics” to battle coronavirus outbreak and beyond

Personalised analytics involves using the data gathered and analysed by artificial intelligence with personal, human judgement. Professor Behnam Fahimnia looks at how this could be implemented to handle logistics disruptions caused by events such as the coronavirus.
28 September 2020

Business location decisions before and after COVID 19

Dr Camila Balbontin examines the ramifications of COVID-19 for local businesses in regards to their location planning and decisions.
07 September 2020

WFH(ome)? How WFC(afe) may be a part of the post corona workplace change

PhD student James Bushell explores the Work From Cafe (WFC) phenomenon, which may well be part of the 'new normal' alongside working from home and working from the office.
24 August 2020

Opening-up Melbourne again?

The incidence of COVID-19 across Melbourne marks a stark divide, with case numbers much more heavily concentrated in the north and west than in the south or east. What are the factors contributing to this spatial pattern? How can Melbourne ‘re-open’ in a way that tackles entrenched disadvantage? Adjunct Professor John Stanley and Associate Professor Janet Stanley discuss these questions and more, below.
03 August 2020

Pooled testing to help Australia tackle the second wave of COVID-19

Pooled testing is a cost-effective method of testing in which a single test is run on a group of samples. Dr Saman Eskandarzadeh and Professor Ben Fahimnia explain how it could help Australia tackle a second wave of COVID-19 whilst reducing the need for tough restrictions.
06 July 2020

Public Transport post-COVID-19 – A quick scan of some of the immediate challenges and those in the longer term

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed some critical issues inherent in the current public transport system. However, according to Professor David Hensher and Yale Wong, this is an opportune time to address these problems in order to create a more resilient and adaptable transport sector.
15 June 2020

Covid-19 pandemic and the unprecedented mobilisation of scholarly efforts to fight a global health crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a huge scholarly output across academia. However, Dr Milad Haghani believes that there is still more to be done in the area of safety research, especially where it can assist policy makers.
09 June 2020

It’s cycling, but not as we know it

Cycling has played a significant role during the COVID-19 lockdown. Professor Stephen Greaves and PhD candidate Tony Arnold discuss how we can capitalise on this to get more people cycling for transport in the future.
01 June 2020

Will Mobility as a Service make Travel Demand Management strategies redundant?

Travel Demand Management (TDM) initiatives involve influencing people's travel behaviour in order to favour alternative mobility options. Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley and Professor John Nelson discuss how these strategies may be useful in the wake of COVID-19.