
Thinking outside the box

Read the latest from our world-leading academics

08 October 2019

Automated Vehicles: Ubiquity of Mobility or a Profanity for Humanity?

The introduction of AV services that operate in pedestrian spaces could have significant positive impacts for those who lack access to mobility. However, we need to consider the impact on our urban environments and what regulations will be required, writes Tony Arnold.
18 September 2019

Data sharing in a future contractual setting and MaaS

Yale Wong's contribution to the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) explores the future of data sharing in the context of MaaS (Mobility as a Service).
26 August 2019

Omni-channel retail in harmony with green city logistics

The trend towards omni-channel retail and developments in delivery options can positively influence our urban environments, writes Professor Michael Bell.
05 August 2019

Electric Cars – They will in time increase car use without effective road pricing reform

David Hensher, Founding Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), posits that the uptake of electric cars will increase congestion significantly if road pricing reform is not implemented by the government.
15 July 2019

Paying for roads – driver of a new road management ecosystem

James Bushell, PhD candidate at ITLS, discusses the trending issue of road user charging and the potential of involvement from both the public and private sectors.
24 June 2019

Wishes that are coming true with digital transformation

The trending concept of a 'digital transformation' or 'Industry 4.0' involves many previously established ideas from supply chain management, writes Professor Behnam Fahimnia.
30 May 2019

Why the government can’t blame us (yet) for clinging to our cars

Dr Mark Raadsen explores the reasons why personal car ownership and usage is still favoured over public transportation in Australia.
06 May 2019

How Green are Electric Vehicles?

Consumers need to take into account a number of factors when determining exactly how environmentally friendly electric cars are, writes Jiayu Wang.
30 April 2019

Whimpact: More questions than answers

Yale Z Wong weighs in on the recently released Whimpact report, which documents insights from the world's first Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) system in Helsinki, Finland.
09 April 2019

The changing nature of public transport

The public transport industry has changed considerably recently with the emergence of trends such as personalisation and shared transport solutions, writes Professor John Nelson, Chair in Public Transport at ITLS.